"I had gone out to buy cat food from the corner shop at the end of Wisteria Walk, around about nine o'clock, on the evening of the second of August when I heard a disturbance down the alleyway between Magnolia Crescent and Wisteria Walk. On approaching the mouth of the alleyway I saw Dementors running -"
-- Mrs Figg testifying at Harry's hearing

Located in Little Whinging a block or two from number four, Privet Drive, this alley has been the scene of two of the biggest collisions between Harry’s Muggle home and the wizarding world. First it was where Harry fled after blowing up Aunt Marge, saw Sirius in his Animagus form, and accidentally hailed the Knight Bus (PA3). Two years later it was where Dementors, sent by Dolores Umbridge, attacked Harry and Dudley (OP1).
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