Russia is the largest country in the world and spans two continents: Western Russia is in Europe, while the larger eastern part of the country is in Asia. It also features geography ranging from mountains (where giants probably live) to frigid Siberia. It is home to the Nogtail and Pogrebin (FB), as well as to at least one Quidditch team for which Petrova Porskoff played (QA10).
The Russian Wizarding school is called Koldovstoretz. In their version of Quidditch, students fly entire uprooted trees instead of broomsticks (BoP, Pottermore Facts from the 2014 UK editions of the Harry Potter books).
The Proskoff Ploy in Quidditch is named after famous Russian Chaser Petrova Porskoff (QA).
Babayaga is a famous Russian hag whose house stood on two giant chicken legs (FW).
Nogtails can be found in Russia. The Pogrebin is a Russian demon (FB).
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