The spells on this page may or may not be considered canon. Some of them, such as those from the video games, were apparently created or at least approved by Rowling. Those from the films, however, were probably created by the scriptwriter, Steve Kloves. Many of them don’t really fit the established system of magic that we find in the books.
Some of the spells used in films and games are the same as those in the books, but they don’t always work the same as they do in the books. These types of spells are listed in the canon spell encyclopedia, with notes about the film or game usage. Spells from the Trading Card Game often have no effect listed, so we will try to guess their effect from the illustration on the card. It would appear that Rowling had at least some input into their creation.
It’s very confusing, I’m afraid. For now, until we find some evidence to the contrary (as happened with Wiggenweld Potion), we consider these spells to be non-canon.
Many thanks to those who provided helpful information about the video game spells and their effects from PA/g and non-PC versions of CS/g and PS/g.
Alarte Ascendare
(uh-LAR-tay uh-SEN-dar-uh)
“alate” L. winged + “ascendere” L. to ascend
Spell which causes something to shoot up into the air.
Lockhart tried this on the snake during the Duelling Club scene, but the spell only threw the snake up into the air and made it angrier (CS/f).
Arania Exumai
(uh-RAY-nee-uh EX-oo-my)
“araneus” L. spider + “exuo” L. cast aside
Knocks over or throws back spiders.
Harry used this spell to dispel the spiders attacking him, Ron, and Fang (CS/f)
Arresto Momentum
(uh-RES-toe mo-MEN-tum)
“a” L. toward + “resto” L. stop, hold position + “momentum” L. movement
Alternate spelling: Aresto Momentum
Slows the descent of a falling object.
Dumbledore used this spell to keep Harry from falling to his death after the Dementors flew at him over the Quidditch pitch (PA/f)
Hermione uses this incantation when she, Harry, Ron, and Griphook are falling from the Gringotts cart, saving all their lives (DH2/f). In the book, the incantation Hermione speaks is not given but she does say she cast a Cushioning Charm.
“ascendere” L. to climb, to ascend
Causes the spellcaster to ascend rapidly.
Harry used this spell to ascend rapidly through the waters of the lake (GF/f)
(Many thanks to Dylan Dylan for specific information.)
“avis” L. bird + “fors” L. accident, event
TCG spell card.
conjures a bird (?) (TCG)
in CS/g (but not the PC version), Transfigures bird statues into birds
Similar to AVIS, OPPUGNO.
unknown (“bauble”?)
TCG spell card.
Bracchium Emendo
(BRAK-ee-um ee-MEN-do)
“bracchium” L. forearm + “emendo” L. correct
The spell fixes a broken forearm, unless you don’t do it properly…
Lockhart gave this a try when Harry’s arm was broken, but succeeded only in removing all of the bones from the arm (CS/f)
The subtitles indicate that this spell is written “Brakium Emendo,” but this seems unlikely, since “brakium” isn’t Latin while “bracchium” fits perfectly.
Carpe Retractum
(CAR-pay re-TRACT-um)
“Sieze and Pull Charm”
“carpe” L. sieze + “retractum” L. distant
Pulls objects toward the caster, or vice versa (PA/g).
(Many thanks to Dylan Dylan for specific information.)
Cistem Aperio
(SIS-tem ah-PER-ee-oh)
“cista” L. chest or box + “aperio” L. open
Opens the target crate.
Riddle used this spell to open the box in which Hagrid kept Aragog when the spider was only a baby. Aragog scuttled away when the box was opened (CS/g).
“depulso” L. to push aside
Like Flipendo (uno), except that Depulso is used only for magical levers and switches (PA/g).
(Many thanks to Dylan Dylan for specific information.)
“draco” L. dragon + “fors” L. accident, event
Transfigures dragon statues into dragons (PA/g).
(Many thanks to Dylan Dylan for specific information.)
“epoxy” Eng. a type of adhesive
TCG spell card.
TCG spell card.
Everte Statum
(ee-VER-tay STAH-tum)
“everto” L. turn upside down + “statum” L. fixed, in one place
Duelling spell used to send the opponent flying.
Used during the Duelling Club in CS/f
Fera Verto
(FAIR-uh VAIR-to)
“fera” – L. wild beast + “verto” – L. transform
The spell transforms an animal into a cup or goblet.
Taught in second year Transfiguration (CS/f)
The subtitles indicate that this spell is written “Vera Verto,” but this seems unlikely, since “vera” is completely unrelated to the spell while “fera” fits perfectly.
“flip” – E. turn over + pseudo-Latin ending
The spell used to push or topple something.
One of the most useful spells in the video games because it allows the caster to move objects, blast small enemies like pixies, and push buttons set in castle walls that conveniently open doors (PS/g, CS/g, TCG)
The UNO version of the spell works as outlined above, while DUO hits the target with Flipendo ten times. TRIA creates a mini tornado that hits all enemies.
(Many thanks to Dylan Dylan for specific information.)
“fumo” L. smoke, vapor
TCG spell card.
“the Freezing Charm”
glaciare L. to freeze
Used to freeze fiery enemies (PA/g, GAMEBOY ADVANCED to PS2 versions).
(Many thanks to Dylan Dylan for specific information.)
“illegible” Eng. unreadable
TCG spell card.
“immobilis” L. unmovable
Freezes objects where they are.
Hermione used this spell to freeze the pixies who were running amok in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom during Lockhart’s first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson in CS/f. This has not been verified as canon as corresponding to the spell she actually cast in CS6, which was “a clever Freezing Charm” (CS/f)
Lupin used this spell to stop the Whomping Willow from attacking him when he wanted to go down into the underground passage. (PA/f)
“incarcerate” Eng. imprison + “fors” L. accident, event
TCG spell card.
Lacarnum Inflamarae
(la-CAR-num in-fla-MA-rye)
“lacarnum” L. robe + “inflamara” L. set fire to
Sets the target robe on fire.
Hermione’s bluebell flames are given this incantation in PS/f. She used it to set Snape’s robes on fire. (PS/f)
“lepus” L. hare + “fors” L. accident, event
Transfigures rabbit statues into rabbits (PA/g).
(Many thanks to Dylan Dylan for specific information.)
Lumos Duo
(LOO-mos DOO-oh)
“lumos” L. light + “duo” L. two
Creates a focused beam of light on the caster’s wand tip; considered advanced.
Presumably, this is a more powerful version of the Lumos spell, although see notes for Lumos Solem for more on the non-canonicity of this concept (PA/g, GAMEBOY ADVANCED to PS2 versions).
(Many thanks to Dylan Dylan for specific information.)
Lumos Maxima
(LOO-mos MAX-i-ma)
“lumos” L. light + “maximus” L. large
Generates a brilliant light.
For some unknown reason, Harry is practicing this spell in bed at the beginning of (PA/f), reading a spell book when he is supposed to be sleeping. Presumably, this is a more powerful version of the Lumos spell, although see notes for Lumos Solem for more on the non-canonicity of this concept.
Lumos Solem
(LOO-mos So-lem)
“lumos” L. light + “sol” L. of the sun
Generates a brilliant blast of light, as bright as the sun.
In PS/f, Hermione used this spell to force the Devil’s Snare to withdraw from Ron (PS/f).
This spell is not to be considered canon because it does not fit in with the established “rules” of magic in the books. For one thing, Devil’s Snare in the books shrinks from fire, not sunlight. For another, there is clearly no light spell of this intensity available in the Harry Potter universe. If there were, Dumbledore would certainly have used it instead of the feeble Lumos spell to search the Forbidden Forest for Krum and Barty Crouch senior (GF28). Also, Lupin would likely have used some more powerful light spell to illuminate the compartment on the train when the Dementors had extinguished all the lights. Instead, the best he could manage was a handful of dim blue flames (PA5).
Oculus Reparo
(AH-kyoo-lus re-PAR-oh)
“oculus” L. eye, eyesight + “reparo” L. restore, repair
Repairs spectacles.
This is a form of the Reparo spell (see) with a target word added. Hermione used this spell to repair Harry’s spectacles (PS/f, CS/f)
“periculum” L. danger, peril
Sends up wand sparks as a jet of light.
This was used by Harry as a distress signal on behalf of Fleur GF/f)
Rose Growth
TCG spell card.
“scourge” Eng. to drive or force as by blows of a whip
Cleans up ectoplasm, a green residue left by ghosts which (if left in place) forms an obstacle in the game (CS/g).
[NOTE: This may be a rather involved reference to the mouse-into-snuffbox Transfiguration exam in canon, or just to mice as snuffly things] + “fors” L. accident, event
Transfigures small books into mice (PA/g).
(Many thanks to Dylan Dylan for specific information.)
“spongy” Eng. like a sponge in that it is soft, compressible, elastic (NSOED)
When cast on a Spongify pad (marked with a helix-shaped spring symbol), the spell-caster can jump onto the pad and bounce to an otherwise unreachable area (CS/g).
“titillo” L. tickle
TCG spell card.
Eng. change form completely
TCG spell card.
Vera Verto
“videri” L. to appear
“viridis” L. green (root of Eng. word “verdant”) + “mille” L. many, thousands
In the first Harry Potter game for PS1, this spell made unseen platforms materialize, but in the third HP game for Gameboy (UNO, DUO, and TRIA) it hits the target with a green lightning bolt.
“vermis” L. worm, larva ? (etymology uncertain)
TCG spell card.
Vaugherich writes:
As far as the etymology of “Vermillius,” I’ve always been of the mind the source was the red/scarlet color vermillion.
I have assumed Vermillious (card spelling)/Vermillius and Verdillious (card spelling)/Verdimillious were incantations meant to be for the Red Sparks and Green Sparks they learn early on in the books. The card artwork also suggests as much.
Vipera Evanesca
(vi-PAIR-ah ev-ah-NES-ka)
“viper” Eng. a kind of snake + the vanishing spell
This is a vanishing spell with a target added to the incantation.
Snape used a Vanishing Spell to get rid of the snake at the Duelling Club (CS/f).