"Come on, all of you . . . I'll drag the werewolf."
-- Snape, after binding Lupin in the Shrieking Shack (PA19)

Sends out magical ropes from a wand which tie up someone firmly.
References from the canon
- Quirrell created ropes out of thin air to bind Harry in the Chamber of the Stone. Then he clapped his hands and the ropes fell away (PS17).
- Snape used this spell to tie up Lupin. When he did it, there was a loud bang (PA19).
- Wormtail conjured tight cords to bind Harry to the headstone of Voldemort's father (GF32)
- Dumbledore used magic ropes from his wand to bind Barty Crouch Jr. (GF36)
- A similar enchantment is used on the chained chair in the Court of Magical Law. When a prisoner sits in that chair, the chains glow gold and encircle the person's arms, binding them to the chair (GF30, OP8, DH13)
ropes, magical
Magic Type
Defensive magic Magical effect
Incantation no incantation used in many cases, but possibly Incarcerous, Brachiabindo or similar
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