Magic is what sets folks in the wizarding world apart from their Muggle neighbors. Magic is the heart and soul of the wizarding culture in the same way that science and technology are the heart and soul of Muggle culture. Where a Muggle would pound a stake into the ground using a sledge hammer (a simple machine), a wizard would use a wand. Both the Muggle and the wizard view their choice of tool as completely and utterly logical and ordinary, although each would find the other’s tools fascinating and even mysterious.
The basic concepts of magic are fairly simple — even a two-year-old wizard can do some form of magic — but the inherent power and potential for misuse are great indeed. It is for this reason that promising young witches and wizards are sent off to Hogwarts and other schools of magic to refine their craft and learn the art and responsibility of their power. At Hogwarts, students learn a variety of magical specialties as well as general theory and the history of magic in their world.
Magical Items & Devices
- Brooms
- Deathly Hallows
- Flying Ford Anglia
- Marauder’s Map
- Mirror of Erised
- Pensieve
- Portraits and Paintings
- Wands
Magical and Mundane Plants
- Bubotuber
- Devil’s Snare
- Dittany
- Gillyweed
- Mandrake
- Mimbulus mimbletonia
- Venomous Tentacula
- Wand woods
- Whomping Willow
Magical Theory & Essays about Magic
- Harry Potter’s Magic by Alan Jacobs
- Ancient Magic: Magic from Before the Dawn of Time? by Steve VanderArk
- Muggle Magic by Ravenclaw Rambler
- How do they do it? An Attempt at a Model for the Physics of Magic by Dr. Immo Garrn
- What is Magical Power in the Potterverse? by Hugo Costa Paes
- Familiarity: The Key to Understanding Spellwork by Paul Dionne
- Magical Ability and Magic Wands by Lisa Inman
- A Magical Worldview by Steve VanderArk
- Spells & Charms: The Nature of Magic by Amy Z.
- Muggle vs. Wizarding Technology by Joywitch Curmudgeon
- The Limits of Magic by Caius Marcius
Miscellaneous Magic
- Vanishing magic
- Movement magic
- Animagus Transformation
- Kwikspell
- Legilimency/Occlumency
- Healing
- Offensive/defensive spells
- Ancient magic
- Curses, Hexes, and Jinxes
- Unforgivable Curses
Fields of Magical Study
- Alchemy
- Ancient Runes
- Astronomy
- Care of Magical Creatures
- Charms
- Dark Arts
- Divination
- Herbology
- Potions
- Transfiguration
Quotes from J.K. Rowling
- What JKR says about “The Rules” of magic (Accio Quote!)
- What JKR says about Magical Devices (Accio Quote!)
- What JKR says about Magical Creatures (Accio Quote!)
- What JKR says about Patronuses and Animagi (Accio Quote!)
- What JKR says about wands (Accio Quote!)