Dark Magic Spells

Canary Transfiguration Hex

"Oh - sorry, Neville! ... I forgot - it was the custard..."
"... creams we hexed -"
-- Fred and George Weasley (GF21)

Canary Transfiguration Hex

The Canary Transfiguration Hex temporarily changes someone into a giant canary. After a few moments, the Transfigured person molts back into themselves.

References from the canon

  • Fred and George placed this hex on seemingly innocent custard creams so that whomever ate one was changed temporarily into a huge canary. Neville ate one of these Canary Creams, much to the amusement of everyone in the Gryffindor common room (GF21).


From the Web

"Canary Cream" from Harry Potter Wiki

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