The Quidditch World Cup 1990 final match saw the Canadian team beat the Scots in a very close game. Scottish Seeker Hector Lamont blamed his failure to catch the Snitch specifically on his genetics (QWC).
Timeline Notes
Quidditch World Cup tournaments take place over several months, with the final match falling in July (as in 2014, QWC) or August (as in 1994, GF8).
The fact that his father was nicknamed "Stubby" might have been a clue.... (QWC)
Lexicon timeline of Quidditch
Lexicon list of World Quidditch teams
From the Web
WizardingWorld.com (Pottermore) features:
Writing by J K Rowling on Imgur (Daily Prophet coverage of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup, originally from Pottermore):
Harry Potter Wiki: Quidditch World Cup
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Tags: blame competitions/competitors fingers hand inheritance international match Quidditch history sports teams tournaments