"Big. Wonderful. Full of food. I’d give anything to be going back."
-- Ron Weasley (CC1.2)

Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione bring their children to Hogwarts Express and send the older ones off to school. Draco Malfoy is also there with his wife and son, and Teddy Lupin is also there, seeing off Victoire Weasley. Albus Severus Potter, Rose Weasley, and Scorpius Malfoy are all about to start their first year. The parents eye each other uneasily.
Al is extremely nervous about starting at Hogwarts generally and specifically that he might be sorted into Slytherin and not Gryffindor. His parents promise to write, remind him to send Neville Longbottom, now the Herbology professor, their love, and tell him to stay out of trouble. Just before the train leaves, Harry reassures Al, telling him that it’s okay whatever house he’s in and that the Sorting Hat will let him choose (DH/e, CC1.2).
Harry and Ginny's family apparently arrived by car. And Ron and Hermione's family seems to have done the same, given the discussion of Ron passing a Muggle driving test. Has taking cars to King's Cross become a widespread custom in the Wizarding world? Is it something everyone in the Weasley clan does? Ron talks of using the Supersensory Charm instead of checking the mirrors, but there's no indication of whether or not that is legal. It seems strange that Ron would want to meddle with a car and use magic on if after his experiences with his father's flying Ford Anglia. -BB
The fact that Ron took (and passed) a Muggle driving exam means that the Muggle government has record of his existence. If, as suggested above, driving Muggle cars is becoming more popular with wizards, are they suddenly being documented by the Muggle government? Even supposing huge numbers of people could all successfully forge other documentation, wouldn't this send up red flags for the Muggle government? Are the employees of the U.K.'s Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency being confunded and possibly obliviated frequently and in large numbers? -BB
Harry thinks he hears Percy, and is glad to avoid greeting him. This raises two points. First, this may suggest that one or both of Percy's daughters, Molly and Lucy (YL), are school-aged and boarding the Hogwarts Express. On the other hand, it could be that Percy is merely there as a Ministry employee overseeing such a big gathering of witches and wizards within Muggle London. Second, this may give insight into Percy's relationship with his family since reconciling with them during the Battle of Hogwarts. It sounds like he is on friendly enough terms with Harry (Harry never enjoyed Percy's company or his personality, so it's very probable that Harry was just relieved to avoid someone who rubs him the wrong way and was not avoiding Percy out of any real animosity.). However, the fact that Percy apparently has no contact whatsoever with his siblings or their children when all their kids are going off to school together suggests that there is still some considerable distance between Percy and his relatives. -BB
Rose's Hogwarts robes are described as "brand-new". This is a significant detail, given that her father had second-hand robes. -BB
So Victoire is still young enough to be in school, but old enough to be involved with Teddy without shocking anyone (except James). She would be at most seventeen, or she'd already be out of school. It is probable, then, that her two younger siblings, Dominique and Louis (YL), would also be attending Hogwarts at this time.
It seems likely that George and Angelina's children, Fred and Roxanne (YL), would also be attending Hogwarts at this time.
It sounds like James and Albus fight quite a lot. It would be interesting to know how this plays into Al's anxieties about being in Slytherin rather than Gryffindor.
James seems to be quite interested in Teddy. James says he would even share a room with Al to let Teddy live at their house. And James seems very much to want someone to do something about Teddy snogging Victoire. Perhaps James has a crush on Teddy? -BB
Thestrals are associated with, if not representative of, death. Harry saying that thestrals are gentle and not scary attests to Harry's unusually deep understanding of death - and his difference from Voldemort. -BB
Harry telling Al that the Sorting Hat will listen to his choice brings up another theme of the books: radical freedom regardless of circumstances. -BB
Hagrid has invited Al for tea on the coming Friday - just as he invited Harry to Friday tea at the end of his first week (PS8).
Of Harry and Ginny's children only Albus Potter has Harry's/Lily's eyes. Will Lily's green eyes continue to be a prominent motif in The Cursed Child? -BB
From the Web
The theatre production opened in the West End of London at the Palace Theatre on 30 July 2016, with Jamie Parker as Harry Potter, Noma Dumezweni as Hermione Granger, Paul Thornley as Ron Weasley, Poppy Miller as Ginny Weasley Potter and Alex Price as Draco Malfoy: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two
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