Minerva McGonagall disguised as her cat Animagus arrives outside the home of the Dursley family on Privet Drive early in the morning of November 1, 1981. At half-past 8 a.m., Vernon Dursley leaves his driveway and notices a tabby cat reading a map on the corner near his house, which made him quite uneasy. When he returns home, the same cat was sitting on a wall as if waiting for him.
After nightfall, Dumbledore arrives and Minerva changes back to human form to discuss the future of Harry Potter and whether Voldemort was gone for good (PS1). She tells Dumbledore the Dursleys were the worst type of Muggles and not fit to raise Harry, but the Headmaster feels it is for the best. McGonagall stays with him until Hagrid delivers baby Harry and they leave him on the doorstep for Aunt Petunia to find in the morning.