It runs through July 31 at the University of Reading. A highlight of the event was a the Trial of Severus Snape, which was held on the evening of 29 July. The charges were put forth as follows:
The Grand Jury will consist of all Accio delegates, and will be given the solemn duty of trying, in absentia, one Severus Snape, Potions Master of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, for alleged criminal activity
The Charges
The charges on which the aforementioned Severus Snape will be tried are hereby set down:
1. That he did with malice aforethought bring about the unlawful killing of Albus Dumbledore within the realm, namely at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by the use of the Killing Curse, alternatively by causing the said Albus Dumbledore to fall from the Astronomy Tower, having previously attacked the said Albus Dumbledore with the intent of causing by magical means death or grievous bodily harm..
2. That the accused did, feloniously, treasonously and with malice aforethought, voluntarily accept membership within a prescribed and illegal organization, vulgarly termed “the Death Eaters”;
3. That the accused, feloniously, treasonously and with malice aforethought, continues as a member in the said illegal organization.
4. That the accused has on divers occasions and under the guise of lawful chastisement committed assault and battery on minors in respect of whom he was in loco parentis, such assault and battery being occasioned by divers magical and physical means, and resulting in perceptible physical and psychological harm to the said minors.
Snape was found not guilty in the trial.
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