At Stoatshead Hill, Amos and Cedric Diggory, Arthur, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny Weasley, Harry, and Hermione touch a timed portkey in the form of an old boot. Harry experiences a bizarre sensation like being pulled by a hook located somewhere behind his bellybutton as the party is transported to a moor near the campsite for the Quidditch World Cup. (GF6, GF7)
Timeline Notes
This event is on the morning of the day of the Quidditch World Cup. From Ron's earlier letter to Harry, we know that this is a Monday.
This is Harry's first encounter with a Portkey, which will return later in the book as an important plot device (GF32).
- In fact, it's a great example of ring composition in the book. Harry travels by Portkey in the book's sixth chapter, and again in the sixth-from-last chapter. -BB
While waiting on the hill, Fred and George express frustration at not being old enough to apparate to the Quidditch World Cup. This dissatisfaction with just barely being underage appears again when the twins have to break the rules to try to enter their names for the Triwizard Tournament (GF12). -BB
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