"But they were our kind, weren't they?"
--Draco Malfoy upon learning that his new acquaintance's parents are dead (PS5)

Both boys get fitted for their Hogwarts robes at the same time. But Draco talks about Quidditch, being spoiled by his parents, his confidence in being sorted into Slytherin, unkind things he’s heard about Hagrid (who is waiting outside with ice cream), and his belief that Muggle-borns shouldn’t be allowed to attend Hogwarts. Harry doesn’t say much, for fear of sounding as ignorant about the wizarding world as he is, but he does defend Hagrid and respond in the affirmative when asked if his parents were a witch and wizard. Before they learn each other’s names, Madam Malkin is finished with Harry and he leaves with a dislike of the other boy.