"George, I think we've outgrown full-time education ... Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?"
-- Fred Weasley (OP29)
"Give her hell from us, Peeves."
-- Fred Weasley (OP29)

8:45 pm: The twins are caught by Filch turning a Hogwarts corridor into a swamp. Umbridge tells them that they’re going to find out what happens to wrongdoers at Hogwarts, to which they reply “No, I don’t think we will.” They Accio their brooms from her office and fly off into the sunset, with a final call out to Peeves to “give her hell!”
Timeline Notes
This event happens on the first Monday after the Easter holidays, which is a two-week break. In 1996 Easter fell on April 7, and the official school holidays were April 5 through 19. The first Monday back was April 22. The time of sunset on that date in Scotland was 8:45 pm.
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For many fans, this event is firmly fixed in their minds as involving a lot of wonderful fireworks, not to mention an outstanding musical score. That's how the film version of Order of the Phoenix depicts it. However, the filmmakers actually combined two separate events from the book for their version of Fred and George's escape from Hogwarts. The fireworks incident took place on April 2, the day after Fred and George turned 17 and came of age, while their flight from Hogwarts took place almost three weeks later on April 22.
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