"I met Albus Dumbledore at the age of eleven, on our first day at Hogwarts. Our mutual attraction was undoubtedly due to the fact that we both felt ourselves to be outsiders. I had contracted dragon pox shortly before arriving at school, and while I was no longer contagious, my pockmarked visage and greenish hue did not encourage many to approach me."
-- Elphias Doge "Albus Dumbledore Remembered"

Elphias Doge, who first met Albus Dumbledore sat Hogwarts when they were eleven years old, composed a sympathetic and loving obituary for the Daily Prophet. Harry reads the “Albus Dumbledore Remembered” in his room just before the Dursley family departs for their own safety on the morning of the Battle of the Seven Potters (DH2).
Timeline Notes
The article is in an old newspaper from near the start of Harry's summer holidays, so it would have been written in early July.
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