"And you see now, don't you, Minerva, how right I was in attempting to stop the Gryffindor team re-forming? Dreadful tempers ... So I really think I will have to ban these two from playing Quidditch ever again."
-- Dolores Umbridge (OP19)

The Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams play their first match of the 1995-96 season. Ravenclaw Luna Lovegood has constructed a roaring Lion Hat to show her support for Gryffindor. The Slytherin supporters have invented a song, “Weasley is Our King“, to unnerve Keeper Ron Weasley. Ron, who was already extremely nervous, promptly falls apart during the match. However, the Gryffindor team still win when Harry beats Draco Malfoy to the Snitch (OP19).
After the match, tempers boil over. Harry goes after Malfoy for taunting him and he, along with Fred and George Weasley, is banned from playing again by Professor Umbridge, using the new powers she has just acquired under Educational Decree Twenty-Five (OP19).
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