Charlie Weasley left Hogwarts to study in Romania at some point in his sixth year (1990-1991), after having played at least one Quidditch match as the Gryffindor Seeker.
Timeline Notes
Rowling's statements about the ages of the eldest Weasley boys seem to be inconsistent. However, careful analysis strongly suggests that Charlie must have left Hogwarts during his sixth year to go study dragons in Romania. The Lexicon uses this logic to determine the dates on Bill and Charlie's timelines because it's the only way to rectify all the various canon statements.
Charlie goes to study dragons in Romania
Date 1990
Certainty Inferred from canon
Location in Canon
PS6: The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters
PS9: The Midnight Duel
PS14: Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
Type of Event Wizarding world
The essay "Quidditch Through the (Weasleys’) Ages or, The Unusual Career of Charles Weasley" contains an interesting and detailed analysis of birthdates and Hogwarts attendance.
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