"He was a great Beater.... the Wimbourne Wasps won the league three times in a row while he was with them."
-- Ron Weasley about Ludo Bagman (GF9)
Ludovic “Ludo” Bagman was a celebrated Beater for the Wimbourne Wasps in the 1980s.
During his time on the team, the Wasps won the league three times (GF9). When his Quidditch days were over, he joined the Department of Magical Games and Sports (GF37).
At the height of his Quidditch career, Bagman was accused of passing information to Augustus Rookwood, an old friend of Bagman’s father, as part of Rookwood’s intelligence network (GF30).
Ludo Bagman is Beater on the Wimbourne Wasps
Date the 1980s
Certainty Stated in canon
Location in Canon
GF7: Bagman and Crouch
GF30: The Pensieve
GF9: The Dark Mark
Type of Event Wizarding world
Lexicon list of Beaters
From the Web
Writing by J K Rowling on Pottermore: The Daily Prophet
Pottermore features:
- The British and Irish Quidditch League
- British and Irish Quidditch teams to support
- Quidditch collection
Harry Potter Wiki: Wimbourne Wasps
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