The following changes were released by Rowling’s publishers in the summer of 2004. As of summer, 2005, they had not been included in Scholastic editions. However, both Bloomsbury and Raincoast editions now incorporate the changes. The translators, who work from the Bloomsbury text, are incorporating these changes into their editions of the book as well.
UK p7 (PA1):
Adalbert Waffling > Bathilda Bagshot
This fixes a simple error–the wrong author was listed.
UK p35 (PA3):
Hagrid the Hogwarts gamekeeper had spend two months there only last year. > Hagrid the Hogwarts gamekeeper had spent two months there only last year.
Typographical error.
UK p36 (PA3):
when the bus moved abruptly from Anglesea to Aberdeen > when the bus moved abruptly from Anglesey to Aberdeen
Typographical error.
UK p36 (PA3):
“Righto,” said Stan, “‘old tight, then…” BANG > “Righto,” said Stan, “‘old tight, then…” BANG!
Typographical error (missing exclamation point).
UK p36 (PA3):
He placed the tray on a table betwen Fudge and Harry > He placed the tray on a table between Fudge and Harry
Typographical error.
UK p38 (PA3):
Reversal Department > Reversal Squad
It wasn’t until after Goblet of Fire that Rowling worked out the exact details of the organization of the Ministry of Magic. In FB, she established the seven departments of the Ministry, and there is no Reversal Department.
UK p38 (PA3):
“So all that remains,” said Fudge, now buttering himself a second crumpet, “is to decide where you’re going to spend the last two weeks of your holidays…” “So all that remains,” said Fudge, now buttering himself a second crumpet, “is to decide where you’re going to spend the last three weeks of your holidays…”
Aunt Marge came on Harry’s birthday and stayed for a week. When he ran away, then, there were three weeks left in August.
UK p40 (PA3)
The snowy owl clicked her break > The snowy owl clicked her beak
Typographical error.
UK p41 (PA3)
two completely Dursley-free weeks three Dursley-free weeks
See above.
UK p47 (PA4):
“Those are my books for Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, the Study of Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies -” > “Those are my books for Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Study of Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies -”
Removed “the”
UK p53, PA4:
You know what Harry and Ron are like, wandering off by themselves — they’ve ended up in the Forbidden Forest twice! > You know what Harry and Ron are like, wandering off by themselves — they’ve even ended up in the Forbidden Forest!
While Harry has been in the Forest twice, Ron wasn’t with him during the first year, so he has only been in there once at this point.
UK p53, PA4:
It’s been three weeks now, and no one’s seen hide nor hair of him > It’s been a month now, and no one’s seen hide nor hair of him
This corrects the timing of Sirius’ escape so that it occurred before rather than after Harry saw him in Little Whinging.
UK p61 (PA5):
“- and massive sherbert balls that make you levitate a few inches off the ground while you’re sucking them” > “- and massive sherbet balls that make you levitate a few inches off the ground while you’re sucking them”
Typographical error.
UK p63 (PA5):
she handed Harry a large stack of cauldron cakes > she handed Harry a large stack of Cauldron Cakes
Typographical error.
UK p73 (PA5):
for a crime he had not commited > for a crime he had not committed
Typographical error.
UK p78 (PA6):
until at last they heard the murmer of voices above them > until at last they heard the murmur of voices above them
Typographical error.
UK p82 (PA6):
Profesor > Professor
Typographical error.
UK p85 (PA6):
so hard that bits of meat and carrot flew everywere > so hard that bits of meat and carrot flew everywhere
Typographical error.
UK p92 (PA6):
there was a pewter tankard almost as a big as a bucket > there was a pewter tankard almost as big as a bucket
Typographical error (remove extra word).
UK p147 (PA10):
Droobles Best Blowing Gum > Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum
Typographical error (missing apostrophe).
UK p168 (PA11):
Harry gave up trying to make them talk to each other, and devoted himself to examing the Firebolt > Harry gave up trying to make them talk to each other, and devoted himself to examining the Firebolt
Typographical error.
UK p173 (PA12):
I’ve been doing some thinking over Christmas, Harry. After last match, you know. > I’ve been doing some thinking over Christmas, Harry. After the last match, you know.
Typographical error (insert missing word).
UK p175 (PA12):
when Professor Lupin turned up, carrying a large packing case, which he heaved onto Professor Binn’s desk. > when Professor Lupin turned up, carrying a large packing case, which he heaved onto Professor Binns’ desk.
Typographical error (misplaced apostrophe).
UK p178, line 16 (PA12):
Him > him
Typographical error (capitalization) twice on the same line.
UK p180, line 7 (PA12):
than > then
Typographical error.
UK p198 (PA13):
The whole common room listened with baited breath. > The whole common room listened with bated breath.
Typographical error.
UK p251:
near > on
Typographical error.
UK p260 (PA18):
Lupin’s face had hardened, and there was self-digust in his voice. > Lupin’s face had hardened, and there was self-disgust in his voice.
Typographical error.
UK p278, 6 paragraphs from bottom, last line:
Replace ! with ?
Typographical error.
UK p 298 (PA21):
They saw Lupin, Ron, and Pettigrew clambering awkwardly out of the hole in the roots. Then came Hermione… then the unconscious Snape, drifting weirdly upwards. Next came Harry and Black > They saw Lupin, Ron and Pettigrew clambering awkwardly out of the hole in the roots, followed by the unconscious Snape, drifting weirdly upwards. Next came Harry, Hermione and Black.
This corrects the order in which the party leaves the Whomping Willow to match that shown in PA20.
Other errors, not on the official list
UK p58, US p72 (PA4):
Harry and Mr Weasley led the way to the end of the train > Harry and Ron led the way to the end of the train
Corrected in the US versions, because they later go outside to say goodbye to Mr. & Mrs. Weasley.
U.K. p. 70, U.S. p. 89 (PA5):
He won’t be the first one who collapses > He won’t be the last one who collapses
Harry was the first to collapse; the current wording does not make sense.