"... the rest of the team felt this save compared favourably with one made recently by Barry Ryan, the Irish International Keeper, against Poland's top Chaser...."
-- discussion of Ron Weasley's spectacular save during Quidditch practice (OP19)

Barry Ryan was a Quidditch player and Keeper for Ireland’s National Team (1994).
Ryan was a member of the winning team at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup, along with teammates Connolly and Quigley (Beaters), Aidan Lynch (Seeker), Moran, Mullet and Troy (Chasers) (GF8).
Rather than for Ireland’s exciting final match against the Bulgarian team, this first Quidditch World Cup attended by Harry Potter is chiefly remembered for the events that took place in the campground after the match had finished (GF9, QWC).
Spectacular saves
Barry comes from the Irish name Bairre, a diminutive of Barrfhionn or Fionnbharr meaning fionn "white, fair" and barr "head", "fair-haired". Saint Fionnbharr of Cork was a 6th-century bishop (Behind the Name).
Ryan is an Irish surname deriving from Old Gaelic O'Maoilriain "descendant of Maolriain", which may come from maol/mal "chief" and rian, Old Irish for "water" (Internet Surname Database).
Related images:
Ryan made an outstanding save against Polish Chaser Ladislaw Zamojski that was compared to one of Ron's (OP19).
Like the other members of the Irish National Team, Ryan is named for one of J.K. Rowling's friends:
"The Irish Quidditch team players are all named after people I have known." (JKR)
Lexicon timeline of Quidditch
Lexicon lists of:
From the Web
Writing by J K Rowling on WizardingWorld (Pottermore): The History of the Quidditch World Cup
Writing by J K Rowling on Imgur (Daily Prophet coverage of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup, originally from Pottermore):
MuggleNet: The Best Moments of the Quidditch World Cup
TheLeakyCauldron: Quidditch World Cup: Shadows of the Future?
WizardingWorld (Pottermore) features:
Harry Potter Wiki: Barry Ryan
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