"I want to go now!"
Lily Luna Potter, unhappy that she has to wait another two years before going to Hogwarts (DH/e)

Youngest child and only daughter of Harry and Ginny Potter. Like her mother twenty-eight years earlier, Lily was envious as she stood on Platform 9 ¾, watching her older brothers go off to Hogwarts (DH/e).
Lily Luna Potter is very supportive of Teddy Lupin's relationship with her cousin, Victoire Weasley (DH/e).
Harry gives his daughter fluttering fairy wings as a pre-Hogwarts gift. Ginny insists that Lily will not wear them on her first day of term. She also receives farting gnomes from her uncle Ron (CC1.7).
Lily Luna Potter is presumably named after her grandmother and Luna Lovegood. Lilies represent purity and "luna" means "moon" and suggests both unearthliness and eccentricity. It is not clear whether these names are reflective of her own personality or not.
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