"Lucas Picquery sent the Bludger into the face of Keeper Susan Blancheflower in the fourth hour of the game...."
-- Ginny Weasley reporting for the Daily Prophet, 4 July 2014 (Pm)

Lucas Picquery is a Beater on the United States National Team in 2014.
As a member of the team representing the United States at the Quidditch World Cup during the 2014 tournament, Picquery participated in their winning matches against the Jamaican National team (240 points to 230) and also playing the team from Liechtenstein (450 points to 290) (Pm).
The two-day match against Brazil saw mis-hit Bludgers, including from Picquery. The US team lost this semi-final match by 420 points to 310 (Pm).
They lost their final match against Japan by 330 points to 120. Picquery got into a broom-lock with his Chaser teammate Darius Smackhammer, allowing Japanese Seeker Noriko Sato to catch the Snitch. This result left the Americans in fourth place overall for the tournament (Pm).
Other canon notes and references
Since Viktor Krum, born 1976, was the oldest player at the tournament (Pm), Picquery must have been born after 1976.
Lucas is either a Latin name derived from Lucius (lux "light") or from the Greek Λουκας (Loukas, Loukanos) "man from Lucania (in Southern Italy)" (Behind the Name).
Picquery is of unknown origin, but Lucas shares the surname with Seraphina Picquery, a President of MACUSA in the 1920s.
As he comes from the USA, Piquery may have attended the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Lexicon list of Beaters
From the Web
Writing by J.K. Rowling on Pottermore:
- History of the Quidditch World Cup
- 2014 Quidditch World Cup reports
- 2014 Quidditch World Cup final
- The Daily Prophet
Pottermore enhanced reading experience: Quidditch World Cup
Screenshots of the original Daily Prophet coverage of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup on Pottermore: Imgur archive
Harry Potter Wiki: Lucas Picquery
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