"Bogomil Levski breaks through the Brazilian defence and equalises! Ten all!"
-- match report Brazil v Bulgaria final, Daily Prophet, 11 July 2014 (QWC)

Bogomil Levski was a Chaser for the Bulgarian National Team in 2014.
As a member of the Bulgarian side at the 2014 Quidditch World Cup, Levski and fellow Chasers Stoyanka Grozda and Nikola Vassileva were integral to the success of Bulgaria at the tournament (QWC).
The Bulgarians had quite an easy first round match against New Zealand. The collision of Levski and NZ Chaser Dennis Moon caused the latter to be sent off – even though the two had previous history (QWC).
Their match for the quarter-finals was very short – only 42 minutes against Norway – and Seeker Viktor Krum’s early catch of the Snitch made the winning total 170 points to Norway’s 20 (QWC).
They won an exciting semi-final match against Japan – by a hard-fought 610 points to 460 (QWC).
In their final match of the 2014 tournament Bulgaria beat Brazil by 170 points to 60. Levski made some crucial interceptions of the Quaffle and also scored during the match (QWC).
Other canon notes and references
Since Bulgaria's Seeker, Viktor Krum (born 1976), was the oldest player at the tournament (QWC), Levski must have been born after 1976.
His father, also a Chaser, had been on the same team as Krum at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup when Bulgaria lost to Ireland (GF8, QWC).
Bogomil is a name of Slavic origin meaning "dear to god", deriving from bog = "god" and mil = "dear" (Wikipedia).
Levski means "like a lion" in archaic Bulgarian and the currency of Bulgaria, which features lions, is the lev (Wikipedia). The name may also have been inspired by Vasil Levski, a famous Bulgarian hero (Vasil Ivanov Kunchev, 1837-1873).
From the Web
Writing by J K Rowling on WizardingWorld.com (Pottermore):
Writing by J K Rowling on Imgur (Daily Prophet coverage of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup, originally from Pottermore):
- History of the Quidditch World Cup
- Quidditch World Cup 1990-2014
- Match reports and articles from the 2014 Quidditch World Cup
Harry Potter Wiki: Bogomil Levski
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