Creatures Wizarding Culture

Hodrod the Horny-Handed

"In scenes which recalled the violent goblin uprisings of the last century, the protesters ran riot through the streets of Chipping Clodbury, shouting B.O.G. slogans and calling for the immediate release of Hodrod the Horny-Handed."
-- riot report in the Daily Prophet (DP3)

Hodrod the Horny-Handed was a Goblin Rights activist and member of the Brotherhood of Goblins (DP3).

It was reported in the Daily Prophet that he shrank and attempted to squish three wizards, in violation of the Wizards' Convention on non-human usage of wands. For this he was taken into Ministry custody. Rioting goblins in Chipping Clodbury called for his release (DP3).

Other canon notes and references

He was also mentioned as being "notoriously violent" in one of the possible answers on the Grade 3 W.O.M.B.A.T. test (JKR-W3).



Hodrod - a noun meaning a confusion, a turmoil, a state of chaos or a conglomeration, an untidy heap of miscellaneous articles (Dictionary of the Scots Language).

Positive references to the "horny-handed sons of toil" refer to a labourer whose hands are horny and callous from manual labour. These are probably made by someone whose work is writing poetry or books and is often felt to be vaguely patronising about the nobility of work for common people....


Although the date printed on the Daily Prophet Newsletter DP3 is 1 June 1999, the timeframe for that event is 1992-1993.

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Tags: fairness protests rights violent wands
