Daisy Pennifold came up with the idea of bewitching a Quaffle to fall slowly through the air to allow Chasers to keep it in play more easily. This redesigned Quaffle is known as the Pennifold Quaffle (QA6).
Pennifold came up with her Quaffle ideas in the mid-1700s (QA6).
Application of the laws of physics to enchanted objects
Daisy is a popular girl's flower-derived name from Old English dægeseage meaning "day's eye" (Behind the Name).
Pennyfold may derive from the combination of the two surnames Penny (Internet Surname Database) with Fold (Internet Surname Database). The surname Penny originally denoted a person of wealth or substance and comes from Old English peni(n)g, "penny". The surname Fold derives from Old English falod or fald, meaning "fold" (an enclosure or pen for sheep or cattle) or someone who works or lives near a fold.
Lexicon list of Quidditch accessories and equipment
From the Web
Pottermore feature: A few things you might not know about Quidditch
Harry Potter Wiki: Daisy Pennifold
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