What’s New
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by belindahobbs
in What's New
The Wizard of the Month calendar on Jo’s official site is showing Happy Birthday wishes for our dear hero, Harry Potter. We would also like to extend our best wishes to Jo herself, who shares her birthday with her boy wizard. Happiest birthday to Harry and Jo!… Read More
by belindahobbs
in What's New
The Wizard of the Month calendar on JKR.com has updated to wish a Happy Birthday for 30 July to Neville Longbottom! Hurray for the other hero of our story, born as the seventh month dies!… Read More
by johnkearns
in What's New
Again, lots of changes being made site-wide today. I enjoy clicking on the character pages especially and seeing the people Lisa has added in. But I wanted to post two big page overhauls I did for places: Godric’s Hollow and the Malfoy Mansion. On a side note, thanks so much… Read More

by John Kearns
in What's New
We’ve been doing lots of work around the site today, as you’ve probably noticed if you’ve looked around. One bigger thing I’ve put together: a page about the Deathly Hallows. Enjoy!… Read More
by Lisa Bunker
in What's New
Revised 7/24/07: We have three new character pages! Thanks to Michele Worley we have one for Grindelwald; Lexicon Essays editor Paula Hall has made her character pages debut with Bathilda Bagshot and Xenophilius Lovegood. I also corrected Hermione’s middle name (the source for the “Jane” was World Book Day),… Read More
by johnkearns
in What's New
Oh. My. Goodness. We here at the Lexicon have been e-mailing back and forth in total shock and awe over Deathly Hallows. Jo, we can’t thank you enough for this incredible gift. We also, of course, are excited to throw our full collective energy into site updates. Meaning that spoilers… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
I have almost finished the book. Here at Sectus in London the venue looked like a cross between the quietest slumber party in the world and a homeless shelter…with 300 people completely engrossed in Deathly Hallows all night through. As we counted down toward midnight, there were reports of “drive-by… Read More
by johnkearns
in What's New
The door on jkrowling.com is open once more – this time with a list of acknowledgements for all the wonderful people who helped her through writing the books. Thanks to everyone from us here at the Lexicon, too! No magic is needed to open the door. Read More
by belindahobbs
in What's New
This is it, July 20! The last day before the official release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! It’s been a long wait, and the anticipation is at a fever pitch. We hope this Countdown has helped pass the time, and offered a chance to look back over… Read More
by belindahobbs
in What's New
It is now July 19th and that means only 2 more days until the release of Deathly Hallows. We are passing the time by thinking of instances from the Wizarding World that correspond to the number of days left. Here are some passages in which the number 2 is important. Read More
by Paula Hall
in What's New
I’ve posted a couple of essays by new Lexicon contributor Philip Legge, one on the ever-puzzling subject of the Weasleys’ ages (bless Jo and her idiosyncratic “maths”), and the other a detailed survey of Quidditch schedules and results at Hogwarts. There ought to be enough detailed analysis in these essays… Read More
by belindahobbs
in What's New
Jo has just updated the Diary on her official website with a plea to fans to thwart the spoilers attempts. We’re doing our best here at the Lexicon Jo! CONSTANT VIGILANCE!… Read More
by belindahobbs
in What's New
Here we are at July 18th, and only 3 days until the release of Deathly Hallows. Share your examples of the number 3 that remind you of something from Harry Potter. Madam Rosmerta is the proprietor of the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. “…born to those who have thrice defied him”. Read More
by belindahobbs
in What's New
Now it’s July 17th and Deathly Hallows is just 4 days away! Time to list all the instances of the number 4 we can find. The four houses of Hogwarts, named for the four Founders. The Dursleys live at Number Four Privet Drive. The Triwizard Tournament had four champions. Read More
by belindahobbs
in What's New
Today is July 16th, bringing us down to 5 days until the release of Deathly Hallows. How many examples of the number 5 can we come up with from the stories? The Five Feathers in Barnsley is home to Bungy the waterskiing budgerigar. Gilderoy Lockhart, five times winner of Witch… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
I have updated the page about the soundtrack for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I love the new themes, particularly the Fireworks track, and not just because that scene is amazing in the film. I added links to the official site as well as to Soundtrack.net’s excellent… Read More