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by Susan
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Chapter one of the Goblet of Fire was a big surprise for the Harry Potter fans who read it for the first time. Unlike the previous books, this book did not start with the Dursleys. It opened at Little Hangleton, with a murder mystery that reminded me… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Over the almost twenty years of the website’s existence, we have been challenged for our use of Rowling’s interviews as canon. That’s perfectly understandable, especially since we make a point of NOT including the Potter films. Why one and not the other? There is an obvious response, that those films… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
I have this weird thing about fate in the Harry Potter books. There’s just so many close shaves where Harry barely makes it out alive. I always come back to believing that fate has a hand in all of it. The funny thing about that is one of the main… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
“Fifty years ago, at daybreak, on a fine summer’s morning … “ That’s from chapter one of Goblet of Fire, as you probably already knew. That’s when Tom Riddle Senior and his parents were mysteriously killed in their mansion near Little Hangleton. Frank Bryce, the caretaker,… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In this minute about Chapter 18 of Chamber of Secrets, entitled Dobby’s Reward, I’d like to discuss Lucius Malfoy. In a previous minute, about Chamber of Secrets chapter 2, which was entitled “Dobby’s Warning,” I talked about why Lucius Malfoy may have chosen Harry’s second year at Hogwarts to… Read More

by hpboy13
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Today, I’d like to talk about a cool fan theory from back in the day that still has not been conclusively proven or disproven. After the “I am Lord Voldemort” anagram twist in Chamber of Secrets, Potter fans were on high alert for any other relevant anagrams in the series. Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
We finally get to really meet the entity responsible for all of the mayhem this year at Hogwarts in chapter 17 of Chamber of Secrets, entitled The Heir of Slytherin. We find out later in the series that the Diary Riddle that possessed Ginny was a… Read More

by Ashmita Shanthakumar
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
While Christmas is magical on its own, at Hogwarts it’s even more magical. This holds true for some of the gifts that Harry receives not all of them, however. Let’s take a look at all the Christmas gifts that Harry has gotten over the years. In his first year,… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Today I’m going to start a series talking about each canon source, giving my thoughts about it and maybe sharing some memories from my twenty years of being a Harry Potter fan. We’ll start with book one, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Now you’ll notice I used the American… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Book and chapter share the same title in Chapter 16 of Chamber of Secrets. There were a couple of things that stood out to me when reading this chapter. These moments were about Dumbledore and Ginny. Chapter 16 showed me how Dumbledore is a symbol of leadership, hope, and… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
I’m always amazed that every time I re read the Harry Potter books I find something new to wonder about. The story and the world are so rich that it gives the never ending potential for theories and the chance for discoveries of connections you’ve never realized, either because you… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Chapter 26 of Order of the Phoenix is completely packed. I mean it, this chapter is like a rich tapestry. I’ll just wander through the text, pointing out things here and there. It starts with Hermione’s delightful explanation for Harry of Cho’s behavior during their disastrous date, which includes… Read More

by Elizabeth Marsh
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
As a fan of the world JK Rowling created, I’m sure I’m not alone in wondering how it could happen in real life. Recently I was studying the adolescent brain, and was fascinated to find that when kids reach 11/12 their brains are essentially wiped to prepare for adult development. Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
There’s a lot of doubt that goes on in Chapter 14 of Chamber of Secrets, which is entitled “Cornelius Fudge.” At the opening of the chapter Harry is still reeling from the apparent fact that Hagrid was the person who opened the Chamber 50 years ago. We find out… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Two very important things happen in chapter 25 of Order of the Phoenix. I’m not talking about Harry’s disastrous date with Cho, which, let’s face it, is just horrible. I cringe as I read it and yes, I do recognize those kinds of awkward moments… Read More

by Abby Koop
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
I’ve been doing some thinking about Summoning Charms, which, given the option, I would perform at least a dozen times a day, because where are my car keys and is my phone in my purse or did I leave it in the car again? (For those two reasons alone,… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
I don’t remember where I read or heard this particular bit of information, but I heard that chapter 13 of the Potter books was where we got a little preview of the villain for that book, and boy does that hold true for Chapter 13 of Chamber of Secrets, entitled… Read More