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by Abby Koop
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
It is pretty well-established at this point that love is a central theme in the Harry Potter saga, but the more sinister side of obsessive love doesn’t get quite the same attention. We see it most clearly when love potions are involved, most notably in the case with Voldemort’s… Read More

by Susan
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
When J.K. Rowling started writing the Harry Potter books in the 1990s, social media had not been invented. No one owned a mobile phone yet, let alone a smart device. And even though most people owned a personal computer or a laptop, receiving a letter written by hand was not… Read More

by Rosie Payne
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
One of the things I’ve always loved about Harry Potter is the little not-quite-clues, the throw away comments linking everything together that you only notice and realise the significance of after several rereads of the books. There are too many examples to list them all here, like Aunt Petunia… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Chapter 31 of The Order of the Phoenix is entitled “O.W.L.s.” Let me just say that the concept of these examinations is still a bit hard for me to grasp. I realize that the OWLs and NEWTs are the Wizarding World equivalent of some sort of test that British… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
I did something recently that I haven’t done in, well, almost two decades. I took a break from Harry Potter. Maybe this has happened to you at some point too. Real life becomes just too much and you have to give something up. For me, it was too many shows… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Hey, everyone, Steve VanderArk here. This is a special announcement for listeners of our Harry Potter Lexicon Minute podcast. As you may have noticed, we’ve been taking a short break for the past week or two. The podcast isn’t ending — we’ll be back with more episodes here… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In today’s Minute I’ll be discussing Cursed Child Part 1, Act 1, Scene 3. Up first I’d like to talk about Rose Granger-Weasley. My first impression of her was a bad one. I thought she came off prejudiced and snobby, and while her parents were… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Eileen and Angela talk about connections between Harry Potter and St Patrick’s Day. Seamus Finnigan comes up, and a fun comparison between Leprechauns and Nifflers ends the conversation. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
We’ve reached chapter 30 of Order of the Phoenix and as always, there’s a lot to talk about here. The castle is in chaos. The students are in full rebellion against Umbridge, and the teachers are too apparently. Filch is having to transport students across the… Read More

by Selena Gallagher
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In a previous episode we talked about the fun that fans have had searching for anagrams in the Harry Potter books, and how they fueled fan theories back when the series was still in progress. One popular pastime was hunting for anagrams in character names and wondering whether they… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Eileen spends some time with her friend Angela talking about the connection they feel to their respective houses – Hufflepuff for Angela and Ravenclaw for Eileen. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window |… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In today’s Minute I will be discussing Part 1, Act 1, Scenes 1&2 of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Really quick before moving on, I may not be discussing each scene of this play individually, as the shortest of them can be about half a page long. What I’ll… Read More

by Susan
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
This chapter portrays Harry as a normal teenage boy. Although strange things have happened to him, he likes sports and worries about homework. And above all, he wants to look cool. When his scar hurts, he does not want to bother his friends, the Weasley family, or even the man… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
There is so much to love in chapter 29 of Order of the Phoenix. The focus if the first part of the chapter is Harry’s meeting with McGonagall to discuss plans for his future, memorably attended by Umbridge. At the end of the chapter, we watch Fred and… Read More

by Selena Gallagher
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
It’s clear to everyone who reads the Harry Potter books that J.K. Rowling is an accomplished wordsmith and a big fan of wordplay. She clearly delights in choosing just the right names for characters and other things in the wizarding world. With that in mind, I’d like to… Read More

by Ashmita Shanthakumar
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
There are a lot of couples in the Harry Potter universe, some are great and some … not so much. Let’s look at the seven best couples of the Harry Potter Universe and some of the ones that didn’t work out. At number one we have Arthur and… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Early interviews with J.K. Rowling followed a very familiar pattern. The interviewer would tell the tale of the poor, penniless single mother who wrote the first Harry Potter book in cafes because her flat wasn’t heated. Much of this story was exaggerated, by the way. Then they would ask the… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
I’m enjoying my re-read of Order of the Phoenix so much … It’s not really that I’m surprised very often. After all, I’ve read the book so often that each sentence feels as familiar as a my favorite pair of slippers. It’s just that even after all these… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Recently, I’ve had some conflicting feelings about everyone’s favorite Potions Master, Severus Snape. When asked if I’m a Snape fan or not, I immediately answer: no. He is definitely one of my least favorite characters, I do not think he was a hero, and I would say that what he… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Going chapter by chapter through Chamber of Secrets was so much fun, I wanted to do another series just like it. I decided to tackle Harry Potter and the Cursed Child as my next book, for a couple of reasons. The first reason is I’m… Read More