The Lexicon Blog

by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
I added a schedule of classes by year to the Hogwarts Academics page. I also linked a new essay which explains O-levels and A-levels, tests which in the Wizarding World become O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s and which were a complete mystery to me (and a lot of other non-British readers). Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
I added several new spells to the Spell Encyclopedia (it’s amazing how many there are when you really look!) I added a new essay: Languages at Durmstrang by Eric Oppen. I still have a couple more that I’m working on. I broke the list of witches and wizards into several smaller… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
Along with numerous edits and small additions here and there, I created a page about Aurors. (I’ve fixed this link — sorry, everyone, and thanks so much to those who emailed me about it!)… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
Hedwig finally got her own page today. There’s also a new page added for the Blast-Ended Skrewts. Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
There has been a lot of editing over the last few days. I’ve added a couple of new spells and a few new magic items. I’m also working on several new essays which I’ll post soon. I’m delighted to have been given permission by Christoph Seimens to add some of… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in About Sources
This page indicates all differences between the U.K. and U.S. editions of the second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. pp. U.K. Edition U.S. Edition pp. 8 top-of-the-range top-of-the-line 3 10 fortnight two weeks 5 12 ice-creams ice cream 10 13 joint loin 10 21 was hard-done-by… Read More
by Edis Bevan
in Essays
(Just for fun, here’s one fan’s concept of what a Wizarding Muggle Studies textbook might be like…) Travel and space Understanding Muggles perceptions of how the world connects up is a big problem for wizarding people. We have to let go of a lot of our assumptions to… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
I’ve been doing some general editing all through the Lexicon’s 300+ pages. I actually discovered a couple of pages that still had the old formatting, which just goes to show you that I need to watch a little closer. I’ve added a delightful (if somewhat confusing, for us Muggles) essay… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
I have added several works of art done by Edgar Torné, a very talented artist. Edgar’s work currently appears on the new Voldemort page and on the Hogwarts Ghosts page. I am also adding new artwork by Phénix and Lord Voldemort. They contributed illustrations of J.K.Rowling and of the Niffler (and I’m going… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
The biography page for Lord Voldemort has been updated with a fantastic and comprehesive history of the most dangerous Dark Wizard of our age by contributing editor, Wednesday. Linked to that is a timeline as well. Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
At long last, the essay by Ebony about generations in the Wizarding World has been added. I’ve uploaded pages detailing all the differences between British and US versions of the book. You can access them from the Help/About page. Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Essays
The way that witches and wizards think about everything, including spells, is completely different from the way we Muggles think about it. When we consider the mechanics of, say, aiming a spell at something, we ask “Muggle” questions like “Do you have to have line of sight?” that they would… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
Sources of the kind of information I don’t include in the Lexicon, things like movie news and filksongs. The sites I’ve linked there are the ones I consider to be the best. I’ve added a page giving some contact information about the artists whose work I feature in the Lexicon. Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
After a number of requests, I have added a page about the Harry Potter Trading Card Game, with a couple of links and also a list of etymologies for some of the new spell names. I’ve been adding names to the master list of Witches and Wizards. Laura Freeman, one… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
I’ve been spending a lot of time getting the Harry Potter for Grown Ups FAQ web site up and running. It’s quite something! Check it out if you get a chance. The FAQ Site is a series of essays compiling and excerpting material from the discussions from the Harry Potter… Read More

by Jana Tucker
in Essays
“Want a hand?” With these words, the character of George Weasley enters the readers’ lives and hearts. This is also Harry Potter’s first impression of George when they meet on the train. Harry Potter, a boy who can’t remember the last time anyone showed him kindness, George Weasley for the first time and is helped out by the young… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
I’ve spent the last couple of days researching Diagon Alley. The result is a greatly expanded page of details about the shops there and also a map of Diagon and Knockturn Alleys. The map is of course not technically canon, but it does follow the clues given in the books very… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in What's New
I’ve created a new page for Nearly Headless Nick. The artwork on that page comes from a French site which includes tons of very interesting clip art-style illustrations. I have permission from them to include more of those pictures, but since they are designed for a black background, most of… Read More

by David Frankis
in Essays
The problem is not simply knowing who sent the Valentine, but knowing what JKR’s purpose was in this episode. Is it a red herring, designed to arouse and deflect suspicion? Or a red flag, signalling something important later in the book or in a future book? Or is it… Read More

by Joywitch Curmudgeon
in Essays
Wizards don’t use electricity for a very good reason—they don’t need it, in fact they don’t need our technology at all (except maybe for sherbet lemons). Modern Muggle technology, according to wizards, is a poor substitute for magic. And modern Muggle technology is largely based on the availability of cheap,… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in Website news
The Harry Potter Lexicon has just been given permission by Warner Bros. to place scanned images of Mary GrandPré’s artwork on various pages. This means that I’ll be scanning and including some of her chapter art. I am excited to be able to include these wonderful drawings in the Lexicon. Read More

by Morag Traynor
in Essays
Socks are closely related to a major, if not the major, theme in Harry Potter, namely Things Are Not What They Seem. The sock is a humble, even comical, garment, necessary but often unattractive and the archetypal boring Christmas present. J K Rowling, while getting full comedy value out of all this,… Read More

by Trina Gabbert
in Essays
Having recently done a GF re-read, the last terrifying and emotional chapters have been on my mind a lot. This morning, while briefly considering the What Might Have Been if Cedric had been the only one to grasp the Cup, I returned to the Eternal Question– Why make the Cup a Portkey when Harry’s toothbrush would work… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in Essays
We don’t know at all where Godric’s Hollow is, although the fact that Harry “fell asleep…over Bristol” when Hagrid was transporting him on the flying motorcycle has been used to “prove” that Godric’s Hollow has to be in Wales. That isn’t by any means proven. In fact, I would argue that it’s highly un-likely that Godric’s Hollow is in Wales. Here’s what we do… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Essays
There are actually about three hundred, it would seem, although there is plenty of debate on the subject. Here’s the evidence from the books themselves: There are more or less ten students (depending on the vagarities of the Sorting) in each House per year, five boys and five girls. There were twenty broomsticks lying… Read More

by Caius Marcius
in Essays
November 15, 1995 In Attendance Headmaster Dumbledore – Hogwarts’ Headmaster Prof. Binns – History of Magic Prof. Flitwick – Charms Mr. Hagrid – Care of Magical Creatures Prof. McGonagall – Transfiguration Prof. Moody – Defence Against the Dark Arts Madam Pomfrey – Nurse Prof. Sinistra – Astronomy Prof. Snape –… Read More
by Alan Jacobs
in Essays
© 2000 First Things 99 (January 2000): 35-38. By now most readers in this country are aware of what has come to be called the Harry Potter phenomenon. It’s hard to be unaware. Any bookstore you might care to enter is strewn with giant stacks of the Harry Potter… Read More