Married with 2 dogs, living in South Eastern Idaho.
I first picked up the Sorcerer's Stone at a book fair when I was in the sixth grade. Still hooked today, 20+ years later.
Eileen Jones
AKAJones, Captain of the Romione
Hogwarts HouseRavenclaw
Ilvermorny HouseHorned Serpent
Calls HomeIdaho
Favorite HP BookHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Favorite HP FilmFantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Favorite CharacterMolly Weasley

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
This is an encore broadcast of an episode if the Harry Potter Lexicon Minute from November 2018. Today I’d like to talk to you about how, in the end, Bane didn’t need to get mad. When Bane gets mad at Firenze for saving Harry, he says “…we… Read More

in Characters / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Lexicon editor Eileen Jones chats with her friend Angela about interesting characters from Gryffindor House, focusing on on Ginny and Dean. Play in new window | Download (Duration:… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Lexicon editor Eileen Jones continues her conversation with her friend Angela about characters each of them feels a connection to. Angela talks about Filius Flitwick which Eileen discusses Cho Chang. Play… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Lexicon Editor Eileen Jones chats with her friend Angela about their favorite Hufflepuff characters. Angela starts out by choosing probably the best-known Hufflepuff of Harry’s time, Cedric Diggory. Eileen discusses Ernie Macmillan. Play… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In today’s minute I’m going to discuss Act 1 Scenes 6 and 7. Both of these scenes share a similar characteristic: Harry takes a lot of heat from someone who is stuck in the past. Delphi speaks a line in scene six, referring… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
This is a short scene, but it’s a huge scene when it comes to important information. We get a glimpse of the time-turner that causes all of the timeline disasters in this play. We finally get a mention of Hugo! We get the official titles of Harry and… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
The inspiration for this podcast comes from several places. A recent Alohomora episode was all about Percy Weasley. In the comment section for that podcast I read a comment made by username BloodCharm. BloodCharm was talking about Percy’s falling out with his family, stating that… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In this Minute about Cursed Child Part 1, Act 1, Scene 4 I’m going to discuss a little bit about a lot, because there’s so much that goes on in just this one scene, two years of stuff to be exact. So I’ll jump right in. Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In today’s Minute I’ll be discussing Cursed Child Part 1, Act 1, Scene 3. Up first I’d like to talk about Rose Granger-Weasley. My first impression of her was a bad one. I thought she came off prejudiced and snobby, and while her parents were… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Eileen spends some time with her friend Angela talking about the connection they feel to their respective houses – Hufflepuff for Angela and Ravenclaw for Eileen. Play in new window |… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In today’s Minute I will be discussing Part 1, Act 1, Scenes 1&2 of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Really quick before moving on, I may not be discussing each scene of this play individually, as the shortest of them can be about half a page long. What I’ll… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Recently, I’ve had some conflicting feelings about everyone’s favorite Potions Master, Severus Snape. When asked if I’m a Snape fan or not, I immediately answer: no. He is definitely one of my least favorite characters, I do not think he was a hero, and I would say that what he… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Going chapter by chapter through Chamber of Secrets was so much fun, I wanted to do another series just like it. I decided to tackle Harry Potter and the Cursed Child as my next book, for a couple of reasons. The first reason is I’m… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
I have this weird thing about fate in the Harry Potter books. There’s just so many close shaves where Harry barely makes it out alive. I always come back to believing that fate has a hand in all of it. The funny thing about that is one of the main… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In this minute about Chapter 18 of Chamber of Secrets, entitled Dobby’s Reward, I’d like to discuss Lucius Malfoy. In a previous minute, about Chamber of Secrets chapter 2, which was entitled “Dobby’s Warning,” I talked about why Lucius Malfoy may have chosen Harry’s second year at Hogwarts to… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
We finally get to really meet the entity responsible for all of the mayhem this year at Hogwarts in chapter 17 of Chamber of Secrets, entitled The Heir of Slytherin. We find out later in the series that the Diary Riddle that possessed Ginny was a… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Book and chapter share the same title in Chapter 16 of Chamber of Secrets. There were a couple of things that stood out to me when reading this chapter. These moments were about Dumbledore and Ginny. Chapter 16 showed me how Dumbledore is a symbol of leadership, hope, and… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
I’m always amazed that every time I re read the Harry Potter books I find something new to wonder about. The story and the world are so rich that it gives the never ending potential for theories and the chance for discoveries of connections you’ve never realized, either because you… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
The opening paragraph of Chamber of Secrets chapter 15, entitled “Aragog,” is describing some very contrasting atmospheres. Outside on the grounds of Hogwarts, summer is approaching. The weather is perfect, but inside of the castle things for Harry have never been going more wrong. The students go fearfully… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
There’s a lot of doubt that goes on in Chapter 14 of Chamber of Secrets, which is entitled “Cornelius Fudge.” At the opening of the chapter Harry is still reeling from the apparent fact that Hagrid was the person who opened the Chamber 50 years ago. We find out… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
I don’t remember where I read or heard this particular bit of information, but I heard that chapter 13 of the Potter books was where we got a little preview of the villain for that book, and boy does that hold true for Chapter 13 of Chamber of Secrets, entitled… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
At the beginning of Chapter 12 of Chamber of Secrets, entitled “The Polyjuice Potion,” Harry is taken to Dumbledore’s office. While he is waiting for the headmaster he has interactions with the Sorting Hat and Fawkes the Phoenix. I’d like to talk about how these… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
There is a lot that happens in Chapter 11 of Chamber of Secrets, entitled The Dueling Club. The final ingredients for the Polyjuice Potion are acquired. The dueling club meeting takes place, which leads to Harry finding out he is a Parselmouth. And Harry discovers… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
First off, I need to use the Sonorus charm to give a shout out to my friend, Kim. She was the one who shared this insight with my reread group and me. She provided the foundation and I built upon it a little bit. But, I did want to… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
What little we do know about Argus Filch, we learn perhaps the most personal detail about this man in Chapter 8 of Chamber of Secrets, entitled “The Deathday Party.” Harry just couldn’t squash his curiosity and opened Mr Filch’s mail and found his Kwikspell courses, alerting us to… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
There is a game that I like to play that was inspired by a pin I saw on Pinterest. The pin went something like this: There is a locked door Gryffindor: Knocks it down Slytherin: Picks the lock Ravenclaw: Finds the key Hufflepuff: Knocks I liked the idea of using… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In Chapter 8 of Chamber of Secrets, titled “The Deathday Party,” we get an up close look at the ghost of Gryffindor Tower, Sir Nicholas de Mimsey Porpington, aka Nearly Headless Nick. When Harry comes across him in the halls after Quidditch practice, Nick is reading a transparent… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
There are several standout moments for me in Chapter 7 of Chamber of Secrets, titled “Mudbloods and Murmurs.” First off, Harry is so kind to Colin Creevey. Colin is in this new world, and he is in the same house as the newest celebrity in recent wizarding history. Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Did Moaning Myrtle ever find out that it was Hagrid that was accused of being responsible for her murder? I know she was intent on haunting Olive Hornby for a while after her death. But, it was 50 years before Hagrid’s name was cleared. Did Myrtle ever wonder how… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In Chapter 33, “The Prince’s Tale,” of Deathly Hallows we see a previous conversation that Dumbledore and Snape had at the end of the Yule Ball. They are talking about the Dark Mark and discussing whether Snape will flee if summoned by Voldemort, as Karkaroff plans… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In Chapter 6 of Chamber of Secrets, titled “Gilderoy Lockhart,” we are introduced to two new magical items. Ron has the unfortunate privilege of allowing us to witness a Howler’s ability to deafeningly put someone in their place. And in the first Herbology class of the term we learn… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
There’s that well known line of Hermione’s…”we could have been killed—or worse, expelled.” That’s from chapter 9, “The Midnight Duel,” in Sorcerer’s Stone. In Chapter 5, “The Whomping Willow,” of Chamber of Secrets Harry and Ron think they are going to be expelled when they got caught having… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Has this ever happened to you? Recently, I was playing a Harry Potter Trivia game with my friends. The question was: How was the Diadem of Ravenclaw Horcrux destroyed? I definitely know this answer, my favorite book is Deathly Hallows, and I’m a Ravenclaw, this question hits my sweet spot… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In Chamber of Secrets Harry goes from living in one extreme to being brought to the opposite extreme. The first sentences of Chapter 4, At Flourish and Blotts, describes it perfectly: ‘Life at the Burrow was as different as possible from everything on Privet Drive. The Dursleys liked everything… Read More

in Characters / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
I have to start off this Minute with telling you that this is one of my favorite chapters of the series. We are getting a close up look at my favorite wizarding family: the Weasleys. I love their overflowing, disorganized, warm and crowded home, and their family… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Today I’ll be discussing chapter 2 of Chamber of Secrets, “Dobby’s Warning.” ‘There is a plot, Harry Potter. A plot to make most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.’ This year. Why this year? Why did Lucius… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Narcissa Malfoy is a rude and racist witch, but there are several moments in the series that I think show Narcissa’s better side. In Spinner’s End, chapter 2 of Half Blood Prince, Narcissa is desperate to keep her son safe. Despite her sister’s warnings and Voldemort’s instructions to… Read More

in Birthdays / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In today’s minute I’ll be discussing Chamber of Secrets Chapter 1 The Worst Birthday. Here are some of my thoughts: I wonder what birthdays were like for Harry the nine years between being dropped off on his aunt and uncle’s doorstep and finding out he was a wizard. Harry would… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
How does the portrait world with in the Harry Potter books work? Here are some things that I wonder about: Are all of the paintings connected, just one painting blending seamlessly into the next? Or is there blank space, equal to the distance from painting… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In my latest re read of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets this question just hit me: Is Dobby really necessary to the end result of book 2? To be clear this is a different question than asking if he is essential to the… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Today I’d like to talk to you about how, in the end, Bane didn’t need to get mad. When Bane gets mad at Firenze for saving Harry, he says “…we are sworn not to set ourselves against the heavens. Have we not read what is to come in the movements… Read More