“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
Hello! I'm Ashmita. I have been a Harry Potter fan since I was a little kid casting spells, flying on a broomstick and making potions around the house. (I put so many toxic things in these “potions.” It is a miracle I’m alive.) I became a full Potterhead when I was eleven and re-read the books (and re-read, and re-read). I love this fandom and the spirit of magic that will always be in the Harry Potter books.
It's real for us
Ashmita Shanthakumar
Hogwarts HouseGryffindor
Ilvermorny HouseThunderbird
Calls HomeHogwarts

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
There are a lot of couples in the Harry Potter universe, some are great and some … not so much. Let’s look at the seven best couples of the Harry Potter Universe and some of the ones that didn’t work out. At number one we have Arthur and… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
While Christmas is magical on its own, at Hogwarts it’s even more magical. This holds true for some of the gifts that Harry receives not all of them, however. Let’s take a look at all the Christmas gifts that Harry has gotten over the years. In his first year,… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
With Solo: A Star Wars Story now playing in theatres, I thought it may be interesting to visit the similarities between two beloved franchises: Harry Potter and Star Wars. The protagonists Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker share many familiarities. They both live with their aunt… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
When the casting for the Cursed Child came out many people were surprised that they chose a black woman to play Hermione. After all, Emma Watson, a white person, played her in the movies and that was the representation people were used to. J.K. Rowling never specified the race… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
“Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders” If you’ve been part of the Harry Potter fandom you’ve probably heard this phrase throughout the internet but a lot of people don’t know where it comes from. In the Philosopher’s Stone the Sorting Hat says: You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Everyone is familiar with Ron‘s pet Scabbers, who turns out to be Peter Pettigrew, a traitor who sold out the Potters to Voldemort. What I’ve always wondered though, is how Ron was able to bring him to Hogwarts? In Harry’s Hogwarts letter in The Philosopher’s Stone, it… Read More