What's New

Deathly Hallows


Good morning!

We’ve been working around our already jammed holiday schedules to do some site updates with the new book title. We’ll be abbreviating it site-wide as DH, as you probably could have guessed.

I’ve got a brand-new page up and running: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Lisa has been helping me put together some research on the title (from reputable sources rather than Google, which is challenging sometimes) and I’ve got some information there. Hopefully more will be coming soon.

Lisa has also made a placeholder image until we get the book’s real cover, which you can see on our main page.

One thing I found that I thought was interesting: in OP26, Voldemort’s hands are described as “deathly white.” It’s on page 586 in the Scholastic (American) version. Someone else probably already saw that, but I haven’t had time to jump into the forums and see.

Keep the speculation flowing!


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