
Harry, Ron, and Hermione visit the Hogwarts kitchens and catch up with Dobby and Winky

Harry, Ron, and Hermione visit the Hogwarts kitchens and catch up with Dobby and Winky

Harry and Ron accompany Hermione on her visit to the house-elves in the Hogwarts kitchens. Among the house-elves in the kitchen are Dobby and Winky, who have been working at Hogwarts for a week. Winky is still deeply upset about being sacked, Dobby is happy with his new situation, and the other house-elves treat Dobby like a freak and a pariah. Winky reveals that she and Mr. Crouch Sr. share a bad opinion of Ludo Bagman. Harry and Ron load up on free snacks before leaving, and Hermione is distressed by the pride the house-elves have in their servitude (GF21).


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