The following is a transcription of “More idle jottings (Page 1),” one of the Potterania extras found on Rowling’s original website. The manuscript contains a list of subjects, genders, and teachers’ names, a total of twelve: six male, six female. The page also contains musings on names for Arithmancy and Divinations teachers, Hippogriffs, etc. and an early chronological chart of the D.A.D.A. position.
The description by Rowling reads:
“More idle jottings. An attempt (circa Prisoner of Azkaban) early to finalise the names and genders of the teachers at Hogwarts. Also playing around with some names for hippogriffs – still a long way from Buckbeak.”
Transfiguration – F – Prof. Minerva McGonagall
Charms – M – Prof. Filius Flitwick
Potions – M – Prof. Severus Snape
Herbology – F – Prof. Pomona Sprout
D.A.D.A. – F to M – Prof. Remus Lupin
Astronomy – F – Prof. Aurora Sinistra
History of Magic – M – Prof. Cuthbert Binns
Divination – F to M – Prof. ## Mopsus etc.
Study of Ancient Runes – M to F – Prof. Bathsheda xxxx [blotted out]Babbling
Arithmancy – F – Prof. Septima Vector
Care of Magical Creatures – F to M – Hagrid Rubeus Hagrid
Muggle Studies – M to F – Prof.
(In the margin)
Septima us
Vecta or
The fates
The Furies
Gibberish Gobbledegook
also check tongues/languages Greek etc
Mylor Silvanus
Rosmerta “good purveyor” ?
village woman?
Mylor person. Oakden Hobday
Interesting facts and notes
We learn first names of several professors here. Babbling is new, appearing nowhere else in canon. Likewise, several of these first names never appeared elsewhere in canon: Vector, Sinistra, and Binns. Mopsus never ended up in canon at all, replaced in the final version of book three by Trelawney.
Note: This is confirmation that JKR uses the abbreviation D.A.D.A.; Flying lessons is not a listed subject.
Characters Introduced
More idle jottings (Page 1)