Achievements in Charming
spell book
Has quite sharp edges, as Harry learnt when Hermione kept snatching it away from him to “check that she had got the answer completely right” while he was testing her the day before their Theory of Charms O.W.L. (OP31).
Advanced Potion-Making by Libatius Borage
The N.E.W.T.-level textbook for Potions during Harry’s sixth year (HBP9), which cost nine Galleons brand-new (HBP11). The book was written around the year 1946 (HBP16). The book contains instructions for making the Draught of Living Death starting at page 10 (HBP9).
Advanced Rune Translation
Hermione was reading a copy of this after her pre-sixth-year trip to Diagon Alley; presumably it is one of the N.E.W.T.-level Ancient Runes textbooks, but this was not stated explicitly (HBP7).
“Alas, I have Transfigured my Feet” (Hélas, Je me suis Transfiguré mes Pieds) by Malecrit
A play written in the early 1400s featuring characters named “Grenouille” and “Crapaud” (“Frog” and “Toad,” a nod to the characters in the books by Arnold Lobel). The script includes a reference to playing Quidditch (QA8, BoS2).
Alchemy, Ancient Art and Science by Argus Pyrites
Non-canon: This book and its author appeared in an early version of book one, according to Rowling (JKR: scrapbook extra).
Ancient Runes Made Easy
Hermione began reading this during her second year, not long after signing up to take Ancient Runes the following year (CS14).
Animal Ghosts of Britain by Mopsy Fleabert
Details about animal spirits (Pm).
An Anthology of Eighteenth Century Charms
One of the books that Harry, Ron, and Hermione examined while preparing for the second task (GF26).
An Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe
This book discusses, among other things, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic (GF9, GF11)
Armando Dippet: Master or Moron? by Rita Skeeter
A bestseller about one of the headmasters of Hogwarts (DH13).
Asiatic Anti-Venoms Potions Medical
Harry consulted this while doing some fifth-year Potions homework (OP16).
Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed
Harry and Hermione tried this one while searching for a simple spell for dealing with a dragon (GF20).
The Beaters’ Bible by Brutus Scrimgeour
Whisp cited this book in Quidditch Through the Ages, and Scrimgeour in turn provided a favourable blurb for Whisp’s book in the front matter of QA. According to Whisp, the first rule in Scrimgeour’s book is “Take out the Seeker” (QA6).
Beating the Bludgers–A Study of Defensive Strategies in Quidditch by Kennilworthy Whisp
A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
The required textbook for Transfiguration for first and second year students at Hogwarts (PS5, CS4)
Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires by Eldred Worple
Judging from Worple’s remarks to Harry at Slughorn’s Christmas party during Harry’s sixth year, the writing of this book involved a series of interviews with a vampire (HBP15).
Book of Spells by Miranda Goshawk
Venerable spell book written 200 years ago by Miranda Goshawk, now kept in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts library (BoS)
Break With a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart
One of the many required textbooks for Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry’s second year (CS4). It seems likely that the Lockhart version of the story of the Bandon Banshee is in this book.
Broken Balls: When Fortunes Turn Foul
Harry saw a copy of this at Flourish and Blotts while buying his Divination textbook (PA4).
Charm Your Own Cheese by Gerda Catchlove (FW) also known as Gerda Curd (JKR)
The Weasleys keep a copy of this (CS3).
Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions
A Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter-Actions
The Room of Requirement contained a copy of this book during the D.A.’s first meeting there (OP18).
Confronting the Faceless
The N.E.W.T.-level textbook for Defence Against the Dark Arts during Harry’s sixth year (HBP9).
Curses and Counter-Curses
(Bewitch Your Friends and Befuddle Your Enemies with the Latest Revenges: Hair Loss, Jelly-Legs, Tongue-Tying, and Much, Much More) by Professor Vindictus Viridian
Hagrid once had to drag Harry away from this book (Harry was looking for a way to curse Dudley) (PS5, Pm)
The Dark Arts Outsmarted
The Room of Requirement contained a copy of this book during the D.A.’s first meeting there (OP18).
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
Defence Against the Dark Arts required textbook in Harry’s first year (PS5) and fourth year (GF14).
Death Omens: What To Do When You Know The Worst Is Coming Divination
Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard
Defence Against the Dark Arts required textbook in Harry’s fifth year (OP9). Since Umbridge did little that year in Defence Against the Dark Arts other than set reading assignments from this book, we have an unusual amount of information about its contents. Harry found it desperately dull. Chapter 1 is entitled “Basics for Beginners” (OP12). Chapter 2 is titled “Common Defensive Theories and their Derivation” (OP15). Chapter 3, which begins on page 34, is titled “The Case for Non-Offensive Responses to Magical Attack” (OP17). In chapter 15, Slinkhard says that counter-jinxes are improperly named, because he believes that “counter-jinx” is just a name given to jinxes to make them sound more acceptable (OP15). Chapter 34 is entitled “Non-Retaliation and Negotiation” (OP29). The book has an index.
Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit
Hagrid consulted the Hogwarts library’s copy of this book when he first got the dragon egg that eventually hatched into Norbert (PS14). Pages of this book include “Essential Equipment,” “Recognising Dragon Eggs,” a map showing “Dragons of the World,” and “A-Z Of Ailments.” (JKR)
Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland
Hagrid consulted the Hogwarts library’s copy of this book when he first got the dragon egg that eventually hatched into Norbert (PS14).
Dreadful Denizens of the Deep
One of the books that Harry, Ron, and Hermione examined while preparing for the second task (GF26).
The Dream Oracle by Inigo Imago
Trelawney set out battered leatherbound copies of this in Divination during Harry’s fifth year; the book appears to have been used only in class. It covers dream interpretation (OP12). The book is also mentioned in (OP15) and (OP17).
Dominating Dementors: A True History of Azkaban
A book on Dementors found in the Minister for Magic’s Weaponised Library, which is the answer to the first riddle and which contains the second riddle to be solved by Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter (CC1.19).
Enchanted Encounters by Fifi LaFolle
Enchantment in Baking
The Weasleys keep a copy of this (CS3).
Encyclopedia of Toadstools
Famous Fire Eaters
(PS/f) [This reference is not canon since it is only in the film; it is one of the books mentioned by Harry while he searches the Restricted Section for books about Nicolas Flamel]
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
(PS5, FB, OP27)
Fifteenth Century Fiends
One of the cursed or banned books found in the Minister for Magic’s Weaponised Library (CC1.19) and also mentioned in the a film as one of the books consulted by Harry in the Restricted Section when looking for information about Nicolas Flamel (PS/f).
Flesh-Eating Trees of the World
Among other things, discusses the correct way to juice Snargaluff pods; Hermione carried her copy of this book when in sixth-year Herbology (HBP14).
Flying With the Cannons
A book of interesting facts devoted to the Chudley Cannons, given to Harry by Ron as a Christmas present during their second year (CS12). Illustrated (GF2, GF22)
Fowl or Foul? A Study of Hippogriff Brutality
From Egg to Inferno, A Dragon Keeper’s Guide
Hagrid consulted the Hogwarts library’s copy of this book when he first got the dragon egg that eventually hatched into Norbert (PS14).
Gadding With Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart
One of the many required textbooks for Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry’s second year (CS4).
Gilderoy Lockhart’s Guide to Household Pests by Gilderoy Lockhart
Mrs. Weasley keeps a copy of this. It discusses gnomes (CS3) and doxies OP6).
Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century
Harry is mentioned in this book (PS6).
Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century
Not surprisingly, Nicolas Flamel isn’t mentioned in this book (PS12).
Guide to Advanced Transfiguration
Cedric Diggory carried this in his bookbag during his sixth year (GF20), which suggests both that Cedric was working toward a N.E.W.T. qualification in Transfiguration, and that this is the required textbook for sixth-year Transfiguration students.
A Guide to Medieval Sorcery
One of the books that Harry, Ron, and Hermione examined while preparing for the second task (GF26).
Hairy Snout, Human Heart
An anonymous werewolf wrote this book, described by Scamander as “a heartrending account of one wizard’s battle with lycanthropy” (FB).
Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Broom Care
Part of Hermione’s present to Harry for his thirteenth birthday (PA1. Harry spent a lot of Aunt Marge’s visit forcing himself to concentrate on remembering the book’s contents, in an effort to keep his temper under control (PA2).
Handbook of Hippogriff Psychology
Ron studied this in helping to prepare Buckbeak’s appeal for the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures (PA15).
The Healer’s Helpmate
Contains a chapter on “Bruises, Cuts, and Abrasions”, which Mrs. Weasley consulted while trying to heal the black eye Hermione had received from the twins’ punching telescope (HBP5).
The Heir of Slytherin
A book about Lord Voldemort found in the Minister for Magic’s Weaponised Library, which was not the answer to the second riddle (CC1.19).
He Flew Like a Madman by Kennilworthy Whisp
A biography of “Dangerous” Dai Llewellyn, mentioned on the About the Author page of Quidditch Through the Ages (QA).
“Hélas, Je me suis Transfiguré mes Pieds (Alas, I have Transfigured my Feet)” by Malecrit
A play (QA8, BoS2)
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
This is a required textbook for first-years (PS5), and appears to be used by second- and third-years as well in History of Magic (PA1). It does not cover anything later than the end of the nineteenth century (DH16).
Hogwarts: A History
Describes the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall (PS7). Hermione didn’t bring it to school during her second year because she couldn’t fit it into her trunk, what with all the Lockhart books (CS9). Discusses the manner in which Hogwarts is hidden from Muggles (GF11). Has over a thousand pages, but never mentions the Hogwarts house-elves (GF15). (OP17) (OP23)
Holidays With Hags by Gilderoy Lockhart
One of the many required textbooks for Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry’s second year (CS4).
Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles by Wilhelm Wigworthy
A required textbook for third-year Muggle Studies (PA13). Also mentioned in (FB), which states in a footnote that Wigworthy’s book was published by Little Red Books in 1987 and that among other things it explains what electricity is.
The Imperius Curse and How to Abuse it
One of the cursed or banned books found in the Minister for Magic’s Weaponised Library (CC1.19).
Important Modern Magical Discoveries
Not surprisingly, Nicolas Flamel isn’t mentioned in this book (PS12).
Intermediate Transfiguration
The required textbook for Transfiguration for third, fourth, and fifth year students at Hogwarts (PA4). (We know that Harry had to buy a copy for third-year Transfiguration but did not need a new Transfiguration textbook in his fourth or fifth year, so we deduce that the same textbook is in use for fourth-year and fifth-year Transfiguration students.)
Invisible Book of Invisibility
The management of Flourish and Blotts once lost a lot of money on this book, since they never found the copies (PA4).
Jinxes for the Jinxed
The Room of Requirement contained a copy of this book during the D.A.’s first meeting there (OP18).
The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore by Rita Skeeter
This biography is 900 pages long, and was completed a mere four weeks after Dumbledore’s death in June 1997. Chapters 9 – 12 discuss his mother and sister. Chapter 16 discusses the uses of dragon’s blood and argues about priority of discoveries thereof. An entire chapter is devoted to his relationship with Harry Potter (DH2). The book also has a chapter entitled “The Greater Good”, quoted in its entirety in DH18, discussing Albus Dumbledore’s friendship with Gellert Grindelwald.
Little People, Big Plans by Ragnok the Pigeon-toed
Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks
One of the books that Harry, Ron, and Hermione examined while preparing for the second task (GF26).
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Magical Hieroglyphs and Logograms
Magical Me by Gilderoy Lockhart
Lockhart’s autobiography, which apparently had just come out in the summer of 1992, since he was doing book signings for it at the time (CS4).
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
Required textbook for first-years, possibly for Charms (PS5).
Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean
The fake Moody gave Neville a copy of this book after the first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson of Neville’s fourth year; it discusses gillyweed (GF14).
Magick Most Evile
Refers to Horcruxes in its introduction, but only to call them “the wickedest of magical inventions” and to say that the book will not speak of the subject further. At that, this book was the only book Hermione could find in the Hogwarts library, including the Restricted Section, that referred to Horcruxes at all; that particular copy let out “a ghostly wail” when Hermione slammed it shut in irritation (HBP18). It is also one of the cursed or banned books found in the Minister for Magic’s Weaponised Library (CC1.19).
Marvolo: The Truth
A book about Lord Voldemort found in the Minister for Magic’s Weaponised Library, which is the answer to the second riddle and which contains the third riddle to be solved by Scorpius Malfoy (CC1.19).
Men Who Love Dragons Too Much
Harry and Hermione tried this one while searching for a simple spell for dealing with a dragon (GF20)
Merpeople: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Language and Customs by Dylan Marwood (Pm)
Modern Magical History
Harry is mentioned in this book (PS6).
The Monster Book of Monsters
Required textbook for Care of Magical Creatures in Harry’s third year (PA1, PA4).
Moste Potente Potions Potions
Illustrated; contains (among other things) the instructions for making Polyjuice Potion, and is discussed (though not intended to be used) in second-year Potions. For a copy, see the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts library (CS9).
Muggles Who Notice by Blenheim Stalk
Mentioned in (FB)
My Eyes and How to See Past Them by Sybill Trelawney
A book on divination found in the Minister for Magic’s Weaponised Library and which contains the first riddle to be solved by Scorpius Malfoy, Albus Potter and Delphi (CC1.19).
My Life as a Muggle by Daisy Hookum
Written after Hookum, wife of Tilden Toots, took a year off from magic (JKR: Wizard of the Month).
My Life as a Squib by Angus Buchanan (PM).
Nature’s Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy
Sirius’ family kept a copy of this (OP6). Hermione at some point borrowed it from Kreacher; it lists the pure-blood families that have died out in the male line (DH22).
New Theory of Numerology
Harry’s Christmas present to Hermione during their fifth year (OP23).
The Nightshade Guide to Necromancy
One of the cursed or banned books found in the Minister for Magic’s Weaponised Library (CC1.19).
The Noble Sport of Warlocks by Quintius Umfraville
Written in 1620, this book is a source for Whisp’s Quidditch Through the Ages, though not to the degree of Zacharias Mumps’ work. Umfraville’s book includes a diagram of the seventeeth century pitch, and makes clear that the position of Keeper had evolved by the author’s time to the responsibilities it includes today (QA6).
Notable Magical Names of Our Time
Not surprisingly, Nicolas Flamel isn’t mentioned in this book (PS12).
Numerology and Gramatica
Hermione has a copy of this (PA16).
Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes
One of the books that Harry, Ron, and Hermione examined while preparing for the second task (GF26).
One Minute Feasts – It’s Magic!
The Weasleys keep a copy of this (CS3).
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
(PS5, GF10, OP17, Pm ).
Philosophy of the Mundane, The: Why Muggles Prefer Not to Know by Professor Mordicus Egg
Powers You Never Knew You Had and What To Do With Them Now You’ve Wised Up
One of the books that Harry, Ron, and Hermione examined while preparing for the second task (GF26).
Practical Defensive Magic and Its Use Against the Dark Arts
Harry’s Christmas present from Sirius and Lupin in his fifth year (OP23). At a guess, Sirius supplied the funds, while Lupin actually went out and purchased the book.
Predicting the Unpredictable: Insulate Yourself Against Shocks
Prefects Who Gained Power
A study of Hogwarts prefects and their later careers (CS4).
Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland
Hermione gave a copy of this to Harry as a Christmas present during their fourth year (GF23); it was one of the books he tried reading as a distraction while cooped up in number four after the Dementor attack before his fifth year (OP3).
Quidditch Through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp
A general reference work about Quidditch, first lent to Harry during their first year by Hermione (PS11), who’d read it for tips before the Gryffindors’ first flying lesson (PS9).
Quintessence: A Quest
Required reading in sixth-year Charms, but not the only textbook for that class since the students were expected to have read it before Christmas (HBP15).
The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts
Harry is mentioned in this book, which Hermione had read before meeting him for the first time on board the Hogwarts Express (PS6). It also discusses the Dark Mark (GF9)
Rune Dictionary
Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts
One of the books that Harry, Ron, and Hermione examined while preparing for the second task (GF26).
Self-Defensive Spellwork
The Room of Requirement contained a copy of this book during the D.A.’s first meeting there (OP18).
Shadows and Spirits
One of the cursed or banned books in the Minister for Magic’s Weaponised Library which, after solving the three riddles, is found to contain the Time-Turner previously confiscated from Theodore Nott (CC1.19).
Sites of Historical Sorcery
Sonnets of a Sorcerer
Everyone who read this cursed book spoke in limericks for the rest of their lives (CS13). It was also one of the cursed or banned books found in the Minister for Magic’s Weaponised Library. Scorpius Malfoys says that this book is so restricted it is not even allowed to be kept in the Hogwarts School Library (CC1.19).
Spellman’s Syllabary
One of the many books Hermione consulted as she worked on her Ancient Runes homework in the common room (OP26, HBP24). She took it along on the quest to find Horcruxes in case she would need to translate runes (DH6). It came in handy (DH16).
A syllabary is a set of symbols where each one represents a specific syllable. The title of this books suggests that the words used to cast spells are sometimes represented by sets of symbols other than our usual alphabet. However, since English and Latin are not well suited at all for a syllabary, this book might actually be designed for use with another language or perhaps a separate spellcasting language which is built with sound chunks which have discrete magical meanings. – SVA
The Standard Book of Spells by Miranda Goshawk
The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 (PS5) (Pm)
The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 (CS9) (Pm)
grade 3 (PA4)
grade 4 (GF10)
grade 5 (OP9)
grade 6
According to Snape, Hermione’s remarks on non-verbal spells during the first Defence Against the Dark Arts class of her sixth year were taken almost verbatim from this book (HBP9).
A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry
Not surprisingly, Nicolas Flamel isn’t mentioned in this book (PS12).
The Tales of Beedle the Bard
Left by Albus Dumbledore to Hermione, “in the hope that she will find it entertaining and instructive”. It was a small, ancient-looking book, the binding of which was stained and peeling in places; the title was in runes. According to Ron, “All the old kids’ stories are supposed to be Beedle’s, aren’t they? The Fountain of Fair Fortune… The Wizard and the Hopping Pot… Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump…” (DH7).
Theories of Transubstantial Transfiguration
Toadstool Tales by Beatrix Bloxam
A series of childrens’ books now banned in the wizarding world because they have been found to cause nausea, sometimes to the point of actual vomiting (fw).
This would seem to be a reference to Beatrix Potter, whose best-known work is The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
Travels With Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart
One of the many required textbooks for Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry’s second year (CS4).
The True History of the Opal Fire
One of the cursed or banned books found in the Minister for Magic’s Weaponised Library (CC1.19).
Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches
“Explains everything you need to know about girls.” The twins gave Ron a copy of this, and Ron in turn gave Harry a copy for his seventeenth birthday, saying it was pure gold (DH7).
Unfogging the Future by Cassandra Vablatsky
Required textbook for Divination in Harry’s third year (PA4). Ron and Harry were still using it as a reference book when working on Divination essays the following year, although perhaps not quite as their teacher imagined (GF14).
Voyages With Vampires by Gilderoy Lockhart
One of the many required textbooks for Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry’s second year (CS4).
Wanderings With Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart
One of the many required textbooks for Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry’s second year (CS4). It seems a reasonable deduction that the Lockhart version of the story of his alleged encounter with the Wagga Wagga werewolf is in this book.
Weird Wizarding Dilemmas and Their Solutions
One of the books that Harry, Ron, and Hermione examined while preparing for the second task. The book apparently discusses a spell for growing one’s nose hair into ringlets, although we are not told whether that was a weird wizarding dilemma or a solution. It was the last book Hermione consulted before the Weasley twins arrived to escort her and Ron to see McGonagall prior to the task (GF26).
Where There’s a Wand, There’s a Way
One of the books that Harry examined while preparing for the second task; he fell asleep in the library over a copy on the night preceding the task (GF26).
Who Am I? by Gilderoy Lockhart (CS/f)
[This reference is not canon since it is only in the film; it is the latest book by Lockhart]
Why I Didn’t Die When the Augurey Cried by Gulliver Pokeby
Published in 1824 by Little Red Books, this book contains the results of patient research revealing that far from being a death omen, the cry of the Augurey merely indicates the approach of rain (FB)
Wonder of the Wigtown Wanderers by Kennilworthy Whisp
According to the author’s biographical information for Quidditch Through the Ages, Whisp is a Wanderers fan (QA).
Year With The Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart
One of the many required textbooks for Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry’s second year (CS4). If Lockhart spent a year with the International Task Force that copes with yetis, as suggested by the title of this book, one suspects that they broke out the firewhisky when he left, and had a proper leaving feast…
From the Web
The Rowling Library, TRL Magazine Issue #56: Harry Potter Loves Books: The Books in the Harry Potter Series by Oliver Horton
MuggleNet: Hogwarts Library Books We Want to Read by Monet Polny
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