NOTE: The links within this page were no longer useful, so they have been removed. The steps to retrieve the scrapbook extras are still listed as a reference, however. If you want to view the various extras, go to the Scrapbook page.
The following are detailed instructions for gathering all the Potterania extras available on the site. Once collected the extras are stored in your Scrapbook on the Desktop.
Note: These instructions are not for the Accessibility Enabled version of the site. If you are unable to click and drag items you may be using this version. Try entering the site through one of the language option flags (British for English).
- First typed manuscript of Philosopher’s Stone (potion #1)
- Page of doodlings (page 2) (Links chest) (“The Sorting Hat”)
- Very early page of Philosopher’s Stone (MAGIC) (handwritten page)
- Ancient Drawings (page 1) (marble) (“Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit“)
- Ancient Drawings (page 2) (PEEVES) (sketch of “Peeves”)
- Ancient Drawings (page 3) (potion #2) (sketch of “Nearly Headless Nick”)
- Ancient Drawings (page 4) (FanSites medals) (sketch of “The Midnight Duel”)
Added March 9, 2006:
- Very early draft of Philosophers Stone (Page 1) (ring box) [‘Spungen’ (large and gloomy dungeon…)]
- Very early draft of Philosophers Stone (Page 2) (31071965) [‘Spungen’ (a fat kind of cactus…)]
- More idle jottings (Page 1) (plant potion -2 steps) [teacher’s names]
- Original synopsis of ‘Philosophers Stone'(circle card -2 steps) [synopsis]
- Revision of the plan of ‘Order of the Phoenix'(lightning bolt) [chart]
Detailed instructions:
To get “First typed manuscript of Philosopher’s Stone”
A typewritten page entitled “CHAPTER TEN Hallowe’en” with the first half of the page scratched out.
You must collect 4 ingredients for Potion recipe #1
On the Desk top, click on the ExtraStuff (Hairbrush Portkey) {formerly a Tea cup}, which brings you to a bulletin board.
On the bulletin board there is a blank piece of paper, torn at the bottom.
Below it is a blue and white Revealer (eraser or rubber to our British friends).
Click on the Revealer and drag it over the blank paper to reveal the secret potion ingredients.
Gather the ingredients from around the site.
You’ll need:
the leaves in the upper left corner of this bulletin board
the blue (Jobberknoll?) feather in the Fan sites trophy case (Binder Clip Portkey)
the spider that crawls onto The Daily News on the Desk top
the potion bottle (flask, flagon, beaker) (of dragon’s blood?) from the library bookshelf in Links (the Eye glasses Portkey)
(Special note: We are unable to determine if the leaves are any particular variety mentioned in canon, or if this is a specific potion recipe.
As you click on each of the ingredients it will Disapparate. No need to drag them anywhere and there is no cauldron that you need to deposit them into. When you click the last ingredient, the Scrapbook page will appear.
You do not have to collect them in any particular order. Often people have clicked on them without realizing what they are for, and then forget that they have done it. If the ingredient you are looking for is not there, perhaps this happened to you. Simply go and find the rest. There is no time limit involved.
To get “Page of doodlings (page 2)”
Rowling’s hand-drawn sketch of the Sorting Hat.
You must open the treasure chest in the Links library.
On the Desk top, click on the Eye glasses (Links) Portkey {formerly a pen}, it brings you to a library bookcase.
Slide the book with the “?” (question mark) aside to reveal a key.
Click on the key and drag it to the chest on the shelf to the right of the bookcase.
Let go, it turns and unlocks the chest. When the Chest opens a bubble containing a question mark (?) appears.
Click the bubble to collect the reward.
To get “Very early page of Philosopher’s Stone”
A handwritten passage, on unlined paper, of a conversation between the trio about Nicholas Flamel and the stone.
You must dial (6-2-4-4-2) into the phone (cellphone, cellular telephone) on the Desk top.
These are the numbers corresponding to the letters M-A-G-I-C and is the code for entering the Ministry of Magic in OP7.
After clicking on the button for each number click the “Talk” button (the light green button with the telephone symbol).
When you dial correctly, numbers scroll across the screen of the phone, it sparkles, and the extra appears.
Dialing the code again after you’ve collected the extra shows a blinking “check mark” in the screen.
Dialing any other number displays an exclamation mark “!” in the screen.
To get “Ancient Drawings (page 2)”
Rowling’s hand drawn sketch of Peeves.
You must dial (7-3-3-8-3-7) into the phone (cellphone) on the Desk top.
These are the numbers corresponding to the letters P-E-E-V-E-S.
After clicking on the button for each number click the “Talk” button (the light green button with the telephone symbol).
When you dial correctly, numbers scroll across the screen of the phone, it sparkles, and the reward appears.
Dialing the code again after you’ve collected the extra shows a blinking “check mark” in the screen.
Dialing any other number displays an exclamation mark “!” in the screen.
To get “Ancient Drawings (page 1)”
Rowling’s sketch of a page from “Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit”
You must use the large Marble on the Desk top.
(Some have suggested that this is a Remembrall, but it does not seem to fit the description.)
Wait patiently on the desktop for about 5 minutes, keeping watch on the Marble, and listening for Peeves. (Be sure not to click on things while you’re waiting!)
At the very start of Peeves’ appearance is a gust of wind sound, his devilish cackle, and the large marble floats and lights up… Click on it while it is lit. It sparkles and Disapparates, then the extra appears.
The marble only glows for a few seconds before the pen cup overturns and the doxy flies through.
Once you have clicked the marble correctly it disappears and is gone from the Desk top.
To get “Ancient Drawings (page 3)”
Rowling’s hand drawn sketch of “Nearly Headless Nick”.
You must collect 3 ingredients for Potion recipe #2
On the Desk top click on the Pencil Sharpener (Rubbish Bin) Portkey {formerly a gum wrapper} it brings you to an overhead view of a wastepaper basket.
To the left of the bin is a blank piece of paper with a pen lying nearby.
Click on the pen.
It breaks, spilling ink onto the paper spelling out another potion recipe.
Gather the ingredients from around the site
You’ll need:
the egg shells on the floor to the right of the bin
in the Fan Sites trophy case (the BinderClip Portkey) there is an empty medal box on the top shelf. Click and slide the box aside to reveal the moonstones (aka bezoars, bobbles, bubbles, rocks, pebbles, gems)
on the Extra Stuff bulletin board (the Hairbrush Portkey) find the (knarl?) quills (aka porcupine quills, toothpicks, grass, sticks, hair, dog hairs) taped below the blank paper
(Special note: We know the identity of the moonstones from the Accessibility Enabled version of the site. We are unable to determine if the eggshells are any particular variety mentioned in canon, or if this is a specific potion recipe. Since the eggshells resemble chicken eggs, they could possibly be from a Basilisk which “is born from a chicken’s egg, hatched beneath a toad”. Also both porcupine quills and knarl quills are canon ingredients. Encyclopedia of Potions – listing of Potion Ingredients)
As you click on each of the ingredients it will Disapparate. No need to drag them anywhere and there is no cauldron that you need to deposit them into. When you click the last ingredient, the Scrapbook will appear.
You do not have to collect them in any particular order. Often people have clicked on them without realizing what they are for, then forget that they have done so. If the ingredient you are looking for is not there, perhaps this happened to you. Simply go and find the rest. There is no time limit involved.
To get “Ancient Drawings (page 4)”
“The Midnight Duel”, Rowling’s sketch of a scene from PS showing five of the characters in pajamas holding candles and looking scared.
It reads:
L-R : Neville, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Gary
Chap 7. Draco Duel
You must place the 2 question mark medals into the empty boxes in the Fan Sites trophy case.
On the Desk top click on the Binder Clip (Fan Sites) Portkey {formerly a golden key}, it brings you to a trophy case.
Click on the question mark “?” medals (aka coins, doubloons) and drag them to the empty display box it is leaning against.
Let go, it settles into place in the box and stays there.
If you let go before placing it properly into the box, or try to drag it to another location, it will pop back to its original spot.
You cannot place the medal in another box such as the one on the top shelf.
You can place the two medals in either order. (Placing them in the opposite order does not give you a different extra.)
After placing the second medal into the box, it sparkles and the extra appears.
To get “Very early draft of Philosophers Stone (Page 1)”
A handwritten page on lined notebook paper. The first line starts “large and gloomy dungeon…
Even though the reward page says the same as the “Very early draft of Philosophers Stone (Page 2)” (about Draco’s surname being Spungen), they contain very different content.
You must click 5 times on the Ring box in the in the Fan Sites trophy case.
On the Desk top click on the Binder Clip (Fan Sites) Portkey {formerly a golden key}, it brings you to a trophy case.
Click 5 times on the small “Ring” box sitting on the shelf at the right.
When the box opens a bubble containing a question mark (?) appears.
Click the bubble to collect the extra.
CLUE: On the Desk top click on the Pencil Sharpener (Rubbish Bin) Portkey {formerly a gum wrapper} it brings you to an overhead view of a wastepaper basket.
At the bottom of the screen is a scrap of paper with 12 seperate little bits containing the words ‘ring’ ‘tap’ ‘times’ ‘five’ ‘and’ ‘within,’ ‘in.’ ‘you’ ‘I am’ ‘Here’ ‘no’ ‘get’
Each of these bits can be moved by clicking and dragging them. Rearrange the words to read, “Here I am no ring within, tap five times and you get in.”
To get “Very early draft of Philosophers Stone (Page 2)”
A handwritten page on lined notebook paper. The first line starts “a fat kind of cactus…”
Even though the reward page says the same as the “Very early draft of Philosophers Stone (Page 1)” (about Draco’s surname being Spungen), they contain very different content.
You must dial (31 07 1965) into the phone (cellphone, cellular telephone) on the Desk top.
These are the numbers corresponding to Jo Rowling’s birthdate.
After clicking on the button for each number click the “Talk” button (the light green button with the telephone symbol).
When you dial correctly, numbers scroll across the screen of the phone, it sparkles, and the extra appears.
Dialing the code again after you’ve collected the extra shows a blinking “check mark” in the screen.
Dialing any other number displays an exclamation mark “!” in the screen.
CLUE: First: On the Desk top, click on the Eye glasses (Links) Portkey, it brings you to a library bookcase. In the center of the bottom shelf, find a small reddish-brown book titled “Ancient Runes Made Easy”. Click on it, it opens to show a key to 10 “Runes” pictures, one for each digit 0 through 9.
Second: On the Desk top click on the Pencil Sharpener (Rubbish Bin) Portkey it brings you to an overhead view of a wastepaper basket. Across the top of the screen are 8 little “Rune” tiles. Match the picture of the rune to the key from the Ancient Runes guide and find that they correspond (in order) to 3-1-0-7-1-9-6-5.
To get “More idle jottings (Page 1)”
Rowling’s handdrawn page of notes, including ideas for teachers’ names & their genders.
See a transcript of this page here.
You must revive the plant in the “?” Secret Door room. This trick has 2 parts. (The first part is not just a clue, it must be done before the second part will work.)
First: On the Desk top, click on the ExtraStuff (HairbrushPortkey) {formerly a Tea cup}, which brings you to a bulletin board. Below the bulletin board there is a radio. Click the On/Off switch and listen to the radio talk show Toots, Shoots ‘n’ Roots by Tilden Toots. (Transcript here.)
Second: On the Desk top, click on the pink “?” Rubber Eraser Portkey {formerly a hair elastic}, which brings you to a locked door. On the table at the left under the window is a dying plant and two potion bottles, one red one green. Following the advice Toots gives in the radio program, click on the red bottle and lift it over the plant, it will tip and drops of the elixer will drip out one at a time. Apply 6 drops of the red, followed by 3 drops of green. The plant will come to life and bloom instantly, and the certificate will appear.
Note: You must listen to the entire radio program. Turning the radio off partway through will not allow the potions to work. But you may exit the Bulletin board screen and continue to listen as you enter another screen. The drops do not have to be delivered all at once, the bottle can be set down and lifted again inbetween drops. If you make a mistake, exit the Door screen (click the Eraser portkey) and re-enter to reset the potions.
Clue: The Rumours tabloid on the desktop contains a new changing advert for the “Toots, Shoots ‘n’ Roots” wireless program.
To get “Original synopsis of ‘Philosophers Stone'”
Rowling’s handwritten summary of the first book sent out to publishers.
You must get the Circle card. This trick has 2 parts. (The first part is not just a clue, it must be done before the second part will work.)
First: On the Desk top click on the Pencil Sharpener (Rubbish Bin) Portkey {formerly a gum wrapper} it brings you to an overhead view of a wastepaper basket. In the upper right corner of the screen is a Tea Cup.Click on the tea cup and swirl it around Clockwise at least 4 times. The dregs in the bottom of the cup will form a circle. Click on the Pencil Sharpener Portkey to exit the screen then…
Second: On the Desk top, click on the ExtraStuff (Hairbrush Portkey) {formerly a Tea cup}, which brings you to a bulletin board. On the bulletin board below the large center pages for Extras, click on the red “Circle” Interior Decorators card, the reward appears.
Note: You do not have to swirl the cup an exact number of times, but at least 4. The tea leaves may settle into the circle as you are swirling, watch for it and let go. Swirling fast or slow does not seem to matter, as long as the dregs swirl. If you click on the cup while the dregs are in the circle, they will disperse, but you will still be able to click the Circle card.
To get “Revision of the plan of ‘Order of the Phoenix'”
Hand drawn chart on lined paper (turned sideways) organizing many elements of several chapters.
You must draw a lightning bolt on the square paper in the Extra Stuff bulletin board.
On the Desk top, click on the ExtraStuff (Hairbrush Portkey) {formerly a Tea cup}, which brings you to a bulletin board.
On the bulletin board there is a blank square paper hanging in the lower left side of the screen. Click on the hanging pen exactly where the string is tied around it. It will come free and allow you to write on the square paper. You must draw a lightning bolt shape in just the right manner. (It is tricky to do.)
CLUE: To see how the lightning bolt should be drawn:
On the Desk top, click on the Eye glasses (Links) Portkey, it brings you to the library bookcase. Wait patiently for Peeves to come through. He will knock down the picture on the left, revealing an example of the square paper containing a lightning bolt.
JKR.com: Tips for Collecting Scrapbook Items