Who, When, Why, and How Many…
student: Hermione
teacher: Snape
points taken: -5
reason: she’d helped Neville with his Shrinking Solution when Snape had told her not to
notes: Hermione got distracted and was a little sloppy with the Time-Turner
ref: PA7
student: Neville
teacher: Lupin
points given: +10
reason: tackling the boggart twice (Snape)
notes: establishing Lupin’s character, showing Neville’s worst fear
ref: PA7
student: Parvati
teacher: Lupin
points given: +5
reason: tackling the boggart (mummy)
notes: establishing Lupin’s character, showing Parvati’s worst fear
ref: PA7
student: Seamus
teacher: Lupin
points given: +5
reason: tackling the boggart (banshee)
notes: establishing Lupin’s character, showing Seamus’s worst fear
ref: PA7
student: Dean
teacher: Lupin
points given: +5
reason: tackling the boggart (severed hand)
notes: establishing Lupin’s character, showing Dean’s worst fear
ref: PA7
student: Ron
teacher: Lupin
points given: +5
reason: tackling his boggart (acromantula)
notes: establishing Lupin’s character, showing Ron’s worst fear
ref: PA7
student: Hermione
teacher: Lupin
points given: +5
reason: knowing what a boggart was
notes: establishing Lupin’s character
ref: PA7
student: Harry
teacher: Lupin
points given: +5
reason: seeing what advantage the class had over the boggart
notes: establishing Lupin’s character, also of Harry’s blossoming talent at Defense Against the Dark Arts
ref: PA7
student: Harry
teacher: Snape, substituting for Lupin
points taken: -10
reason: 10 minutes late to Defense Against the Dark Arts
notes: establishing Lupin’s illness
ref: PA9
student: Harry
teacher: Snape, substituting for Lupin
points taken: -5
reason: didn’t sit down when told to do so
notes: emphasizing Snape’s harshness with Harry and Harry’s concern for Lupin
ref: PA9
student: Hermione
teacher: Snape, substituting for Lupin
points taken: -5
reason: “for being an insufferable know-it-all”
notes: Hermione had read ahead and knew the werewolf material already, but Snape wanted an excuse to make all the third-year Gryffindors study it (and show up Lupin as a teacher at the same time)
ref: PA9
student: Ron
teacher: Snape
points taken: -50
reason: for throwing a large slippery crocodile heart at Malfoy, hitting him in the face
ref: PA10
student: Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Marcus Flint
teacher: McGonagall
points taken: -50
reason: “a low and cowardly attempt to sabotage the Gryffindor Seeker”
notes: dressed up as dementors to try to scare Harry during Gryffindor-Ravenclaw
ref: PA13
Final point totals at the end of the 1993 – 1994 school year:
Gryffindor: totals not given, but winning the Quidditch Cup helped secure them the House Cup
House Points by Year: