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Goldstein sisters’ apartment

"Well, sit down, Mr. Scamander, we’re not going to poison you."
-- Tina Goldstein (WFT)

Goldstein sisters’ apartment

A small apartment in New York City is shared by Tina and Queenie Goldstein. Their apartment is at least one floor up from the entrance to the brownstone building. The liveliness of magic-infused housework makes up for an absence of luxury. The Goldstein sisters’ landlady, Mrs. Esposito, does not allow them to bring men into the building. However, Tina brings Newt and Jacob to the apartment after she catches Newt and Jacob is bitten by the murtlap. She puts them up in the spare bedroom for the night (WFT).

Inside the apartment:
sitting room

  • cluttered with witches' magazines, laundry accoutrements, a dressmaker's dummy
  • at least one window


  • cupboards
  • table

Tina and Queenie's bedroom

  • at least one window

back bedroom

  • twin beds
  • at least one night stand


  • down the hall from the back bedroom and to the right




The landlady not allowing men gives the impression of a women's boarding house, rather than an apartment building. Also, the existence of a spare bedroom might seem to contradict the description of the apartment as "impoverished." The Goldstein sisters may have magically expanded their living space; it is unclear. -BB

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