The door is open on! With WOMBAT grade 3 behind it.
The Lexicon is working on our commentary as we did for the first two.
We’ll have that posted for you as soon as we can.
To open the Door and activate the WOMBAT:
1) Click on the fly that lands on the window, it will turn into a key,
2) Drag it to the lock and let go, the key will turn and the door will open.
3) Drag the ring onto the rod, it will sparkle if placed correctly.
4) Drag the triangle onto the rod and ring, it will sparkle and move to the desk.
5) Click on the WOMBAT paper to open the test.
Good Luck!
Users of VISTA will notice a new WOMBAT gadget on the desktop. We’ll have more info and screenshots for non-vista users soon!
Edit: and today, June 14th, the Daily News has been updated to announce a US tour by JKR.