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Happy Birthday Fred and George! and WotM is Magenta Comstock


The Wizard of the Month calendar on Jo’s site is again this year displaying happy birthday wishes to Fred and George Weasley for April 1st. What a fitting birthdate is April Fools Day for these pranksters!
Be sure to visit The Floo Network Homepage for a tribute to their wacky wares from Weasley’s Wizarding Weezes this month!

On the text only version of Jo’s site we have April’s WotM as:
Magenta Comstock
1895 – 1991
Experimental artist whose portraits’ eyes not only follow the viewer around the room, but also follow them home.
(Magenta is a new canon character, not one of the Famous Wizards Cards. Yay! New canon!)

EDIT: And now the twins’ birthday message on the calendar has been replaced with the moving picture on the Flash version of the site. Eep! Those eyes are creepy! 0_0


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