Chapter synopses: William Silvester
Chapter 1 – Owl Post
In which we are reminded of Harry’s previous adventures and told of his summer holidays, he receives birthday cards and presents from his friends, and Harry learns what Ron and Hermione did during the summer.
Chapter 2 – Aunt Marge’s Big Mistake
In which Aunt Marge comes to visit and her taunting drives Harry to inflate her, then gather his belongings and leave Privet Drive without permission to visit Hogsmeade.
Chapter 3 – The Knight Bus
In which Harry tries to decide what to do when the Knight Bus arrives to take him to London. En route Harry learns about Sirius Black, is met by Cornelius Fudge at Diagon Alley and installed in a room in the Leaky Cauldron.
Chapter 4 – The Leaky Cauldron
In which Harry enjoys his new-found freedom, purchases his school supplies, and meets with Hermione and Ron. Hermione buys Crookshanks after the cat takes after Ron’s Scabbers. Back at the Leaky Cauldron, Harry overhears Mr and Mrs Weasley talking about the danger he is in.
Chapter 5 – The Dementor
In which the students leave the Leaky Cauldron for Hogwarts, board the train, discuss Hogsmeade and a sleeping Professor Remus Lupin prevents a fight with Malfoy. The train is boarded by dementors, Harry passes out, McGonagall wants a word with Harry and Hermione and Hagrid is the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher.
Chapter 6 – Talons and Tea Leaves
In which students begin the new year of classes, Hermione is taking a very full course load and in Divination class Professor Trelawney predicts Harry’s death. Hagrid introduces hippogriffs at his first class and Buckbeak is insulted and scratches Malfoy, Harry, Ron and Hermione go to console Hagrid.
Chapter 7 – The Boggart in the Wardrobe
In which Malfoy takes advantage of his injury in Potions, Snape orders Ron and Harry to do his work, Black has been sighted near the school, Lupin conducts his first DADA class on confronting Boggarts.
Chapter 8 – Flight of the Fat Lady
In which DADA class remain a favourite, Quidditch practice begins, Crookshanks goes after Scabbers, tension builds between Ron and Hermione, Harry is denied permission to visit Hogsmeade, Lupin talks to him about fear, Snape brews a potion for Lupin, Hallowe’en feast, and Black slashes the Fat Lady’s portrait.
Chapter 9 – Grim Defeat
In which the students are gathered in the Great Hall for the night, Quidditch practice continues, DADA is taken over by Snape when Lupin falls ill, Peeves wakes Harry, Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff in a thunderstorm, Harry sees the Grim and Dementors on the pitch and passes out to awaken in hospital having lost the game.
Chapter 10 – The Marauder’s Map
In which Harry spends the weekend in hospital, Lupin returns to class and tells Harry about Dementors, and Fred and George give Harry the Marauder’s Map. Harry uses a secret passage to join Ron and Hermione in Hogsmeade, they overhear a teachers’ conversation, and learn that Black is believed to have betrayed Harry’s parents and is his godfather.
Chapter 11 – The Firebolt
In which Harry mulls over what he heard about Black, almost everyone has gone on holiday, Harry, Ron and Hermione go to visit Hagrid, find him distraught about Buckbeak’s hearing before the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures and Harry, Ron and Hermione begin seeking precedents to help Buckbeak’s case. Christmas comes and Harry gets a Firebolt broom from an unknown (Black) benefactor, Crookshanks goes after Scabbers again and revives bad feelings between Ron and Hermione, dinner is taken with the teachers, McGonagall takes the Firebolt to check for jinxes.
Chapter 12 – The Patronus
In which both Harry and Ron are angry with Hermione for reporting the Firebolt to McGonagall, Oliver Wood tries to get it back, classes resume, Lupin teaches Harry Patronus to use against the Dementors, Harry asks repeatedly about his Firebolt and finally gets it back, makes up with Hermione just as Ron finds bloody traces of what he thinks is Scabbers.
Chapter 13 – Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw
In which Ron and Hermione’s anger grows, Quidditch practice resumes, Gryffindor plays Ravenclaw and wins despite Slytherin’s attempts to sabotage the match by dressing as Dementors. Gryffindor celebrates into the night while Hermione studies. Black gets into the dorm and apparently slashes Ron’s bed curtains.
Chapter 14 – Snape’s Grudge
In which security is tightened, Hagrid is summoned to London with Buckbeak, Ron and Harry plan another visit to Hogsmeade despite Hermione’s appeals, Harry wears his invisibility cloak and while playing a trick on Malfoy and his goons was unmasked, rushing back to school only to be confronted by Snape, questioned and only saved by the arrival of Lupin.
Chapter 15 – The Quidditch Final
In which Hagrid loses his case and Buckbeak is sentenced to death, Ron and Hermione make up, Hermione slaps Malfoy, misses Charms class and storms out of Divination. Tensions rise as the Gryffindor-Slytherin match approaches. When it comes, it is the roughest match Harry has ever played, but Gryffindor still wins.
Chapter 16 – Professor Trelawney’s Prediction
In which OWLs and NEWTs are coming up and everyone is studying, exam week arrives, Buckbeak’s appeal is scheduled, Professor Trelawney unknowingly predicts the return of the Dark Lord, Harry, Ron and Hermione use the cloak of invisibility to visit Hagrid, try to comfort him, Hermione finds Scabbers in a milk jug, men come to execute Buckbeak, Harry, Ron and Hermione go out the back door under the cloak and Scabbers goes berserk.
Chapter 17 – Cat, Rat, and Dog
In which Harry, Ron and Hermione start back to the castle, Crookshanks chases Scabbers, and a big black dog drags Ron into a tunnel under the Whomping Willow. Crookshanks stops the tree from attacking Harry and Hermione, and they follow the cat down the tunnel to emerge in the Shrieking Shack outside Hogsmeade. They find Ron a captive of Black, who disarms them. Harry attacks Black, and with Ron and Hermione overpowers him, but Crookshanks stands between Harry and Black when Harry threatens to kill him. Lupin arrives and admits that he’s Black’s friend and a werewolf. It is revealed that Scabbers is an Animagus named Peter Pettigrew.
Chapter 18 – Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
In which Lupin tells his story of becoming a werewolf and school days with James Potter, Black and Snape, the last of whom now appears.
Chapter 19 – The Servant of Lord Voldemort
In which Snape threatens Lupin and Black with the Dementors, Harry, Ron and Hermione disarm Snape with a spell, Lupin and Black tell the truth about Harry’s parents’ deaths, Scabbers reverts back to Peter Pettigrew, the truth comes out about all the players in the drama, revealing that Pettigrew was responsible for the Potters’ deaths, and Harry keeps Lupin and Black from killing Pettigrew.
Chapter 20 – The Dementors’ Kiss
In which they go back through the tunnel towards the castle, Black invites Harry to live with him, Lupin becomes a werewolf when the moon comes out and Black transforms to a dog prevent him from attacking Harry, Ron and Hermione, Pettigrew becomes a rat and escapes, Black goes after him and is confronted by Dementors, Harry and Hermione run for help but are caught by Dementors as well.
Chapter 21 – Hermione’s Secret
In which Harry awakens in hospital, desperately tries to tell Black’s side of the story but is not believed until Dumbledore arrives, who tells Hermione to use her Time-Turner (which she had been using to increase the amount of classes she could attend) to go back and change events to save Buckbeak and Black. First they rescue Buckbeak, then Harry rescues himself from the Dementors with a Patronus Charm, then they ride Buckbeak to rescue Black, who escapes on the hippogriff.
Chapter 22 – Owl Post Again
In which Harry and Hermione safely return to the hospital wing, where Snape arrives to blame them for Black’s escape but cannot prove it. Lupin resigns, returning the invisibility cloak and Marauder’s Map to Harry. Term ends, Harry, Ron and Hermione return home on the Hogwarts Express, Harry gets owl post from Black, and Ron gets a new owl.
synopses © 2002 William Silvester, revised 2004 by Michele L. Worley
original page date 18-March-2002
last page update 14-April-2006 MLW