Website news

August 20, 2004


As usual, there has been a lot of editing over the last few weeks. I’ve been working through a backlog of hundreds of emails to find fixes and additions that needed to be made. Josh has been doing the bulk of the editing. You might spot some of the changes as you wander around the Lexicon. One way to tell if we’ve been there is to look at the date on the bottom of the page. We’re using a new date format which is easier to read for our international users. This was Josh’s idea, since he’s in Australia and he found my old method of putting the month before the date to be confusing. Now we write the dates in this form: 15-Aug-2004.

I’ve been doing some other behind the scenes work as well, such as creating graphics for some new sections of the Lexicon which I’m hoping to debut soon, and working on a CafePress store to sell Lexicon t-shirts and mugs. I’m doing this mostly because I want to buy them, but who knows, maybe some of you will want to pick one up. Actually, they’re pretty cool–I put a nice quote from Jo on the back of the shirt (“This is such a great site…my natural home.”) There are only a couple of products in the store at this point, but I’ll be adding more over the next couple of weeks.

I don’t know if you know this, but the Lexicon is hosted on the same server as The Leaky Cauldron, Quick Quotes, and the Floo Network page. Recently,  TLC acquired a new server through the generosity of many of you. This new server, cleverly named Serverus, is our new home as well as Leaky’s, and the entire Lexicon will be moved there. That also means that there will come a point in the next day or two when the Lexicon might be temporarily inaccessable. Please be patient about things like this.

One last new thing: Josh will be taking over as the editor of the Floo Network page. He’ll be updating it at least once a week, so keep your eyes open for new material. He has some great ideas for the page. I’ll continue to write the Crystal Ball section myself, but Josh is doing the rest. You can email him at with ideas, comments, and suggestions.


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