More and more new stuff.
- added some information to the page of Titles and Honorifics
- added even more new information all through the pages of Wizards
- added a new website to the Resources page
- pretty much finished the Non-Wizard Characters page, which includes Grawp and Karkus as well as all the Hags, Goblins, Vampires, and Giants from the Famous Wizard cards.
- added a page listing the strange creatures that Luna Lovegood believed to be real
And I do need to officially announce the addition to the Lexicon of The Muggle Encyclopedia. This new section of our site is an alphabetical listing of the people, places, and things in Rowling’s world. It includes details of her personal life as well as information about the publication of the books. Ever wonder who the people are who the books are dedicated to? You’ll find that in the Muggle Encyclopedia. Want to learn more about how Jo’s typewritten manuscript ended up catching the eye of the folks at the Christopher Little Agency? The Muggle Encyclopedia is the place to look. Like the rest of the Lexicon, the Muggle Encycliopedia might very well never be “finished.” For example, we hope to add more information about the films, including more entries for the various actors and actresses who have brought our favorite characters to life. I am also still in the process of adding links to the text, which was compiled and written be Penny Linsenmayer.
By the way, you can click on many of the books mentioned in the Muggle Encyclopedia and be taken directly to a page of our partner site,, where you can buy a copy of that book. Any books that are purchased through those links will help to support the Lexicon, since a small percentage of the cost is paid to the Lexicon support fund.