First of all, let me say a huge thank you to everyone who emailed to alert me to the new J.K. Rowling website. Thanks especially to Heidi and Kip, who called almost simultaneously to tell me about the site, one on my home phone and the other on my cell phone. It’s wonderful having good friends who are fans to share exciting events like this with.
I actually discovered the site Saturday morning, just before some friends arrived from Florida who we hadn’t seen for a while. We were busy all day, so it wasn’t until evening that I had time to poke around on Rowling’s site. Ever since, the sounds of wind blowing, dogs barking, doorbells ringing, etc. have been coming out of our home computers as both my son and I explore Jo’s wonderful gift to fans. We just keep leaving it on the screen in case something else interesting happens.
I think I’ve found every tidbit of new information and I’ll be going through and updating the Lexicon for the next day or two. In the meantime, feel free to email and let me know things you think I may have missed or anything new that appears. I won’t have time to visit the new site all the time, so I would appreciate folks being on the lookout for things for me.