Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifth book in the series. The first four Potter novels came out one per year and the long wait for the fifth book built up the interest to a fever pitch. During the intervening three years the first two of the Harry Potter films was released, Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them were published, the first Harry Potter convention was planned to be held in Orlando a few weeks after the release, and Harry Potter fandom grew into a worldwide phenomenon.
It was published on 21 June 2003.
- day by day calendar of events in the book
- differences between the British and American versions
- edits and changes to the text
Reader’s Guide to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
a complete chapter-by-chapter guide with notes and commentary
In which Harry is angry and picks on Dudley, Dudley is attacked by dementors, and their neighbor Mrs. Figg returns.
In which Harry is expelled from Hogwarts, Uncle Vernon swears, Aunt Petunia reveals knowledge of the Wizarding world, Dumbledore interferes and Harry is no longer expelled, but suspended pending a Ministry of Magic disciplinary hearing.
In which Harry is rescued from number four Privet Drive, Remus Lupin and Alastor “Mad Eye” Moody are reintroduced, and Harry meets Nymphadora Tonks for the first time.
Chapter 4 – Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place
In which Harry is reunited with Ron and Hermione, learns of the Order of the Phoenix, and is reunited with his godfather, Sirius Black.
Chapter 5 – The Order of the Phoenix
In which Harry learns of Sirius Black’s family background, and Molly and Sirius have a row regarding what is best for Harry.
Chapter 6 – The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
In which Harry, Sirius, and the Weasleys clean the Black house; Kreacher, the Black family house-elf, shows another darker side to house-elves; Harry is shown the Black family tree; and we learn that Sirius is not only related to the Weasleys and Tonks, but to the Malfoys and the Lestranges.
Chapter 7 – The Ministry of Magic
In which Arthur Weasley takes Harry to the Ministry of Magic for his scheduled hearing and Harry gets a look at the Ministry building and the setup of its offices.
In which Harry attends his hearing, Fudge continues to disbelieve him about Voldemort’s return, and Dumbledore arrives to assist Harry. Mrs. Figg testifies and Harry is cleared of all charges.
Chapter 9 – The Woes of Mrs. Weasley
In which Ron and Hermione become prefects, Harry is jealous, and Mrs. Weasley’s boggart is revealed.
In which Harry and the Weasleys are late for the Hogwarts Express (again), Harry and Ginny encounter Neville on the train, and they are introduced to Luna Lovegood and her father’s magazine, The Quibbler. Cho Chang makes a brief appearance, and Harry sees what actually pulls the school carriages.
Chapter 11 – The Sorting Hat’s New Song
In which the start-of-term-feast takes place, the Sorting Hat gives warning in its new song, Harry recognizes Dolores Umbridge as she is introduced as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and Harry learns that not everyone believes that Voldemort is back.
Chapter 12 – Professor Umbridge
In which Fred and George advertise for volunteers to test their products, the trio discusses their schedules and the upcoming O.W.L.s, Harry has an outburst in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Umbridge assigns him detention for a week, and McGonagall warns him to keep his temper under control.
Chapter 13 – Detention with Dolores
In which Hermione stops the twins from experimenting on first years, Ron tries to stop unknowing house-elves from taking Hermione’s knitted hats, and Professor Grubbly-Plank teaches Care of Magical Creatures as there is still no sign of Hagrid. Harry serves Umbridge’s detentions, in which an enchanted quill cuts lines into the back of his hand, and Ron tries out for and makes the Gryffindor team as Keeper.
Chapter 14 – Percy and Padfoot
In which Harry sends a letter to Sirius, he encounters Cho Chang and she calls him brave, and the Gryffindor team’s first practice is less than spectacular. Percy sends Ron a letter warning him against continuing his friendship with Harry, and Sirius communicates with Harry through the common room fire.
Chapter 15 – The Hogwarts High Inquisitor
In which Umbridge is made Hogwarts High Inquisitor, and Harry loses his temper again in Defence Against the Dark Arts, serving another week’s detention. Umbridge observes the professors in class, and Ron and Hermione try to convince Harry to give Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons.
Chapter 16 – In the Hog’s Head
In which Harry, Hermione, and Ron hold a meeting at The Hog’s Head to discuss with other students the possibility of Harry giving them Defence lessons, and Hermione tells Ron and Harry that Ginny is dating Michael Corner.
Chapter 17 – Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four
In which the High Inquisitor orders all Student Organizations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs disbanded, Harry and Ron learn that boys are not allowed in the girls’ dormitory, Hedwig is hurt coming back from London, and Sirius is almost caught by Umbridge in the Gryffindor common room fireplace.
Chapter 18 – Dumbledore’s Army
In which Harry again dreams of the windowless corridor with the door at the end, Dobby tells Harry about the Room of Requirement, and Dumbledore’s Army meets for the first time.
Chapter 19 – The Lion and the Serpent
In which Gryffindor defeats Slytherin, but Harry, Fred, and George are given a lifetime ban from Quidditch by Umbridge for fighting with Malfoy.
In which Hagrid returns and tells the story of his journey with Madame Maxime to the land of the giants, where they were unsuccessful in gaining an alliance.
Chapter 21 – The Eye of the Snake
In which Hagrid’s class is observed by Umbridge, Ginny Weasley replaces Harry as Gryffindor’s Seeker, Dumbledore’s Army meets again, and Harry and Cho kiss. In a dream, Harry witnesses Arthur Weasley being bitten by a huge snake.
Chapter 22 – St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
In which Arthur Weasley is rushed to St. Mungo’s Hospital, Dumbledore sends Harry and the Weasleys back to Sirius’ house, and they visit Arthur in hospital as he makes his recovery.
Chapter 23 – Christmas on the Closed Ward
In which Harry speculates on why Dumbledore will not look him in the eye, Hermione joins Harry and the Weasleys at Grimmauld Place for Christmas, and Percy sends back his Weasley sweater. They visit Arthur in St. Mungo’s, encounter Gilderoy Lockhart, and see Neville with his gran visiting his parents.
In which Harry and the Weasleys return to Hogwarts after the holidays and Harry begins Occlumency lessons with Snape, during which Harry sees the dark corridor in the Department of Mysteries that he often dreams about.
Chapter 25 – The Beetle at Bay
In which there is a mass breakout from Azkaban, a Ministry worker dies under suspicious circumstances, and Umbridge bans the teachers from giving students information unrelated to their subjects. Harry and Cho go on a date to Hogsmeade, and Hermione and Luna Lovegood arrange for Harry to tell Rita Skeeter his story, to be published in Luna’s father’s paper, The Quibbler.
Chapter 26 – Seen and Unforseen
In which Hermione gives Harry advice on his love life, Gryffindor continues its losing streak at Quidditch, and Harry’s article is published in The Quibbler – which is quickly outlawed at Hogwarts by Umbridge. Harry has another disturbing dream from Voldemort’s point of view, Harry continues his Occlumency lessons with Snape, Trelawney is sacked, and Firenze the centaur is hired to teach Divination.
Chapter 27 – The Centaur and the Sneak
In which Harry and his classmates have their first Divination lesson with Firenze, Marietta Edgecombe tells Umbridge of the D.A.’s meeting but suffers the effects of Hermione’s jinx, Dobby warns Harry that the D.A. has been found out, and Harry denies the meetings to Fudge and Umbridge. Kingsley Shacklebolt modifies Marietta’s memory, and Dumbledore takes the blame and leaves Hogwarts.
Chapter 28 – Snape’s Worst Memory
In which Umbridge replaces Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts, the students (with the help of Fred’s and George’s inventions) rebel while the staff sit back and watch, and Umbridge tries to get Harry to tell her where Dumbledore is hiding. Harry confronts Cho about her friend Marietta, continues his Occlumency lessons with Snape, and while poking around in Snape’s Pensieve discovers that his father may have been every bit as arrogant as Snape had previously told him.
In which Harry tells Ginny of his desire to talk to Sirius, receives career advice from Professor McGonagall, breaks into Umbridge’s office to use her floo to talk to Sirius about his father, and Fred and George leave Hogwarts.
In which Harry recalls the dream again, the Gryffindors play Ravenclaw for the final match of the Quidditch season, and Hagrid introduces Harry and Hermione to his half-brother, Grawp, making them promise to look after Grawp if he has to leave. Gryffindor wins the match and the Quidditch Cup, and Ron is carried triumphantly off the pitch.
In which Harry and Hermione tell Ron about Grawp, the fifth years take their O.W.L.s, Hagrid is sacked, McGonagall is stunned, and Harry dreams that Sirius is being tortured.
In which Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Luna help Harry break into Umbridge’s office, Kreacher leads Harry to believe that Sirius is at the Department of Mysteries, and Hermione tricks Umbridge into taking her and Harry into the Forbidden Forest.
In which Hermione and Harry lead Umbridge into the Forbidden Forest, Umbridge insults the centaurs and they take her away, Grawp rescues Harry and Hermione from the centaurs, and Ron rejoins them with Neville, Ginny, and Luna, who insist on helping them in their fight. Luna suggests using the thestrals to get them to London.
Chapter 34 – The Department of Mysteries
In which Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Luna fly to London on thestrals, they are allowed access to the Ministry of Magic through the telephone booth, and they enter the Department of Mysteries – specifically the room containing small glass spheres, one of which is marked with Harry’s name, and is later discovered to be a prophecy.
In which Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, and other Death Eaters arrive and attempt to take the prophecy away from Harry. The D.A. members fight the Death Eaters and are separated. Hermione is hurt, Neville’s nose is broken, and when they are reunited with the others, Ginny’s ankle is broken and Ron is badly injured. Later, Luna is hurt. Remus, Sirius, Dumbledore, and other members of the Order of the Phoenix arrive to fight the Death Eaters. Sirius duels with Bellatrix and loses his life through the veil.
Chapter 36 – The Only One He Ever Feared
In which Harry pursues Bellatrix and learns he is incapable of an Unforgivable Curse; Voldemort shows up; Dumbledore saves Harry from the Killing Curse; Fudge and other Ministry members witness Voldemort’s return; and Dumbledore reinstates himself as Headmaster.
Chapter 37 – The Lost Prophecy
In which Harry has his final outburst in anguish over Sirius’ death, and Dumbledore tells him everything – about why he must return to the Dursleys every year, about the prophecy, about how Voldemort marked him as his equal, about how it could as easily been Neville, and about how either Harry or Voldemort must die. Dumbledore also admits to allowing his emotions to blur his judgment with Harry.
Chapter 38 – The Second War Begins
In which Ron and Hermione are recovering from their injuries, Fudge publicly admits to Voldemort’s return, McGonagall returns from St. Mungo’s, and Harry asks Nearly Headless Nick about ghosts. Harry rides home with Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Luna on the train; Moody, Lupin, and Tonks meet him at the train station and warn the Dursleys to be good to him during the summer.
who make my world magical.
Interesting facts and notes
Original Bloomsbury cover art:
The original Bloomsbury cover by Jason Cockroft portrays a phoenix rising from flames. A single gold feather decorates the spine of the book. The battle in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic appears on the back cover, with the symbol-filled ceiling and the gold statues of the Fountain of Magical Brethren. Harry and Dumbledore are seen amidst waves of water, wandsout and ready.

Title pages:
Pertinent text from the title pages: [image]
First published in Great Britain in 2003
Copyright © 2003 J.K. Rowling
Cover illustrations by Jason Cockroft © 2003 Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Harry Potter, names, characters and related indicia are
copyright and trademark Warner Bros., 2000 [TM]The moral right of the author has been asserted
The "moral right" which Rowling is claiming is part of the European copyright law. It allows Rowling to maintain a level of control over the Harry Potter stories, characters, etc. even though she has sold rights to Warner Bros. and other companies, and is therefore a very good thing for the integrity of the Harry Potter stories. This moral right is not recognized by the United States, although some US copyright law does approximate the moral right clause of the Berne Convention.
Original Scholastic cover art:
The US cover was painted by Mary GrandPré. It shows Harry in the circular room at the entrance to the Department of Mysteries.
At 870 pages, this is the longest of the Harry Potter books.
- The Braille version of the novel consists of about 1440 pages split between sixteen bound volumes (source: BBC).
Characters Introduced
Book 5 — Order of the Phoenix